Chapter 2: Car Crash

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*hey.. Okie leggo*

Beths POV

I hug everyone and Rick was looking at the firetruck. A man with i guess orangey hair walks over next to Rick and they talk about taking the truck north. Rick and Abraham started mumbling and Rick nods and turns to face everyone.

"Alright. We're takin the firetruck north. I think we've had enough of Georgia." He gets in the drivers seat. Everyone starts piling in the truck and Daryl got on the top. I start walking but my bullet wound sent out waves of pain and i fell.

Noah runs over and helps me up. He keeps his arm around my waist so i dont fall again and we both get in the truck.

Rick starts the engine and he starts driving down the road.

We drive for about 2 hours until...

Rick hits something in the road and a tire pops and he swerves off the road. We flip twice and my wound reopens and i hit my head on the window and it breaks open and i fall out and everything goes black.

Noah's POV

Rick has flown out of the windshield and Daryl falls off the top of the firetruck. Maggie was trying to keep Glenn save but all she gets in return is a large piece of glass in her neck...

Glenn's eyes widen and he starts sobbing "m-m-ma-mag-maggie!!"
I stare at them.. The only thing i suffered was a few shards of glass in my arm. Abraham, eugene, Rosita, Tara, Carol, Sasha, and Tyreese were all fine. I get out of the truck along with everyone else but Glenn who was crying over Maggies body. I look down. I didnt really know her but i felt bad for Glenn. Wait... Where's beth???!!! Tyreese sees my eyes widen.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"Wh-wheres Beth??" I question him. He realizes shes not with us.

"Shit i dont know.." He says. We both start looking around the truck and i see her broken wrist behind a bush and I run over "B-Beth!" I shout. I kneel by her unconscious body and i tear up. Her head and stomach were bleeding bad. I pick her up and walk over to tyreese, carol, and the others. I had a few tears falling but i didnt really care.

Carol says "We need to fix her up now or she wont survive..." Daryl walks over. He clearly has a sprained ankle and Rick walks over with a bloody knee and hands. He was holding a first aid kit.

Sasha's POV

I go in the truck to get Glenn but all i see is maggie with a knife in her head and Glenn, silently crying across from her. My eyes widen. "G-Glenn...?" I see the glass in Maggie's neck. Glenn looks at me with his tear stained face. "We should bury her... While we have the time..." I tell him. He nods and got Maggie in his arm. He takes her outside and i follow him and we pick a spot to make the grave and i start digging. Glenn take a rag out of his pocket and covers Maggie's face with it.

Rick's POV

We finish fixing Beth up and I notice Glenn, Sasha, and Maggie aren't around. "Ill be back in a minute" i tell the others. I walk around the truck and i dont see anyone. I turn around and see Sasha digging and Glenn crying next to... Maggie's body?? I run over "what the hell hap-" Glenn cuts me off
"Shes... She-she's dead Rick!!" He was sobbing.
I tear up, its my fault.. I crashed. Oh God... When Beth finds out... I sigh "Shit..."
Glenn looks down. I walk back to the others "Guys...." I begin. Everyone looks at me. I sigh "Maggie... She... Died in the crash.." I was looking down. Carol covers her mouth with her hand, in shock. Daryl looks down. Tara tears up. Eugene and Abraham weren't really affected. Michonne sighs...

Beth's POV

I let my eyes open and i look at everyone. What happened? They all look sad/ in shock. I look at Rick "wha... What h-happened?" I say "not the crash but... Why is everyone all depressed?" I ask. Rick sighs. Noah looks at me sympathetically and I dont even know why... Carol takes my hand "Beth... Maggie she..." Carol sighs "she died in the crash..." She tells me. I pull my hand away and my eyes quickly fill up with tears. "Wh-what?! N-no!! She can't be dead!" I shout. Carol puts her hand on my shoulder. Rick sighs.

"Im sorry Beth." He apologizes. I have tears streaming down my face and i just nod. Carol helps me stand and we all go to Maggie's grave where Sasha was putting the dirt over Maggie and where Glenn was sobbing.... I just hug the closest person to me, which happened to be Noah, and i just cry my heart out. He hugs me back and tries to comfort me. He repeats "its okay.." In my ear...

*hey guy. So Maggie is dead. Sowie to those who like Maggie but hey, Dramaaaa!! XD so yeah. Baii!!*

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