Chapter 9: Separated

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*Why do I do this thing in the beginning its not like u ppl actually read them. Or do u? ....woah... XD anyway im SOOO sorry i havent updated in FOREVER! Ive had so little sleep and i have so much stuff with school and ....yeah.*

Beth's POV

We all walked down the wide road for maybe an hour. Noah was holding my hand as we walked.

"Walkers!" Carol exclaims, whisper- yelling to us so she doesn't attract walkers.

Carol's warning didn't prepare us for the walkers that came from behind. A walker tackles me from behind me and I fall. I don't react. In don't even know why I didn't. Its like I don't care if it bit me. But, Noah pulls the walker off and kicks its head in. He helps me up "We gotta run!" He yells. Everyone splits up and runs in all different directions. I run with Noah, we keep running until we reach the woods. I slow down to a stop and catch my breath "I-I....I think we're good." I say. Noah catches his breath.

"Yeah." He says, looking back "but we kinda got separated.."

I sigh. "We'll find them." I was still shaking a little.

Noah nods and hugs me. "That might be a while. Y'know?"

"Yeah. I know." I say, hugging him back. He kisses the top of my head. I smile a tiny bit and kiss him. He kisses me back and he pulls away a little. He smiles at me.

Noah's POV

I smile at Beth after we kiss. I look in her eyes. Her blue eyes are filled with sadness and loss. I kiss her cheek "We should get movin." I say. I smile warmly at her and she nods. I take her hand and walk. We walk until we see a small house. I go in and kill a walker and drag it outside.

Beth's POV

I walk inside as Noah drags out a dead walker. I search the house for supplies. Buuut its empty. Great. Noah walks back in and hugs me from behind "Its gettin late. I can take watch tonight." He says. I smile a little at his hug

"No you should sleep. Ill take care of watch." I say.

"You sure?" He asks me.

I nod. He kisses my neck "Thanks babe."

I blush. I've never been called babe before.... I like it :) :):):):):):)::):):) He lets go of me and i turn around so i can face him. He kisses me and I hug him while kissing back. It turns into a make out session (lol im bad at this idk okay whatever yeah why am i writing this) We stop when it gets pretty dark out. I smile and catch my breath. I kiss his cheek "Well. That was fun" i laugh a little. He smiles. I get up "I'm gonna go take watch."

"Ok. Gnight Babe." Noah says and he smiles.

"Goodnight" i say and i go outside on the porch and sit down on the chair. I hum to myself as morning approaches.

If Beth Had LivedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant