Chapter 3: Oh Shit

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*okay so im gonna TRY to update daily and im gonna TRY and make this a big series thing!*

Beth's POV

Noah sits with me next to Maggie's grave while everyone else was talking to Glenn and planning where we'll go next. Noah has his arm around me and I'm leaning my head on his shoulder as I let tears roll down my face. I JUST got my sister back and she is just ripped away again! This is so unfair. So stupid... Noah sighs and kisses the top of my head "You need anything?" He asks me.

"No.." I say, shaking my head. "Its just the last couple of day has been so.... Insane. Yknow?" He nods.

Rick walks over "Hey... We're headin' out to get a car tomorrow since the truck is busted."
Noah nods "Sounds good."
I look at Rick "Can I take watch tonight?"

Rick sighs "i dont know..."

"C'mon... It's so annoying not being able to do anything."

Rick nods "Alright.. Watch post will be on top of the truck, okay?"
I nod and Rick walks away.

I lay my head back on Noah's shoulder. I sigh.
"You okay?" He asks me.
"Yeah I'm okay." I respond. We sit there for a while. The bright blue sky was quickly turning dark and everyone was starting to sleep. Noah helps me stand up and he helps me walk to the truck. He helps me up to the roof. "Thanks" i say. He nods and smiles a little. I smile back and he goes off to sleep. I sit up here for a couple of hours til i feel a hand clamp over my mouth and another grab me by the waist and i scream but its muffled.

"Shhh..." A man says. He drags me into a shack deep in the woods. I squirm and try to get out of the man's grip but he's too strong. He takes my weapons before letting me go and he slaps me. My face stings and i go to punch him but he hits me first in the gut, right where i was shot.. I fall down and i feel the blood oozing out of my wound. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up and he shoves me against the wall. The man duct tapes my mouth and he duct tapes my hands together. I scream but the tape stopped the sound from going very far. The man smirks and he slaps me again. He put his hand on my waist and moved it up under my shirt. I kick him in the groin and he groans in pain. I go to kick him again but he grabs my foot and i fall. He grabs my shirt and rips it over my head. He laughs and i attempt to cover myself up.

Noah's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night and i cant fall back asleep so i go to check on Beth. I climb up the ladder to the top of the firetruck and my eyes widen... Beth's gone! Shit! What the fuck?! Where is she?! I jump down and sprint into the woods.

Beth's POV

I was crying but no sound was coming out due to the tape. I glare at the man through my tears and he laughs.

"Oh c'mon. Dont act like you didnt love it." He says, before knocking me out with a chair.

Noah's POV

I heard a crash in a small shack so i decide to check it out. I take out my knife and quickly open the door. I see a man and He looks at me wide eyed. I see an unconscious Beth with ripped up clothes and i know exactly what happened. I stab the man in the head and he dies instantly. I put my knife in the holder and i pick up Beth. She has a few bruises and her stomach was bleeding again.

Beth's POV

I wake up expecting to see that man again but i just see Noah. "Noah...?"

He looks down at me "Hey. Its okay. He's dead." He informs me. I nod. I felt so disgusting and dirty. I lean my head on his shoulder as he carries me back to the truck. It was dawn so Rick was probably up by now. That means i have to explain what happened. I sigh. Noah sighs too "Im sorry that happened. I promise it wont happen again. I wont let it happen.." He says.

I smile a little. Noah makes me feel... Safe. He held me close and we go through the last few bushes until we are finally back at the truck. I see Rick and Noah lets me down. We walk over and Rick looks at us.

"Where the hell were you guys?" He asks. I look down.

"L-last night a man came.. He took me to this shack and he..." I couldn't finish the sentence... Rick understood though. He nods and mumbles something. "Noah killed him though.." I add. Rick nods again.

Rick looks at me "You're okay?" He asks me. I shrug and nod. He sighs "Once everyone is up we'll head out." He says. Noah and I nod and Rick walks away to talk to Daryl. I look down at the dirt and Noah puts his arm around me.

**Hey hey hey! Yerp. Bethyboo got raped. Yeaaahhhhhhhh... I didnt add every single detail cuz like ew but whatever what i did was good nuff XD I hope you liked chapter 3! Lol you probably didnt**

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