Chapter 6: Sad Times

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*hai.... Story taym*

Beth's POV

Noah and I go back to looking around for supplies. Once we clear the pharmacy out we hurry back to the house.

We walk in and I give the bag to Rick who took it and went into Glenn's room without a thanks or a hello or anything. He was really worried. I sigh and look at Noah. He kisses my forehead. We sit on the dirty, tawny couch and wait to see if Glenn will be okay.

Noah's POV

Beth ended up falling asleep and Rick walks out with his hands covered in blood and a long face. I look at him "No...?" I ask.

Rick shakes his head "No..."

I sigh. I didn't really know Glenn that well but he was pretty cool. And i can tell he has been with this group for a while.

Rick walks away to the rest of the group who have been in the kitchen. I listen to what he's saying.

"Everyone..." Rick starts, "I...I hate to say this but... Glenn.... Died from the illness from the prison....." Rick was a little choked up. There was a long silence and a woman was quietly crying. It sounded like that lady... Sasha maybe?

Beth opened her eyes and yawned. She looks at me "Did I miss anything?" She rubs her eyes. I don't know how to tell her that Glenn is dead. I take her hands in mine.

"Beth.... Glenn he.... Didnt... Make it..." I tell her. Her face went pale and tears welled up in her eyes. I hug her. "I'm sorry Beth..." I tell her. She hugs back tightly and she quietly cries into my shoulder. I feel really bad...

Rick comes back over to Glenn's door with Daryl and Carol. Carol has a sheet and Daryl has a shovel. Rick sighs and goes in and comes out with Glenn's body. Beth keeps her eyes off them and she cries. Carol covers Glenn with the sheet and Rick carries Glenn's corpse out back and Daryl follows so he can dig the hole. Carol goes back into the kitchen. Beth pulls away from me a little and she wipes her eyes.

She sniffles and Daryl walks in the doorway "Hey..uh..we're havin the- uh- um" he coughs " f-funeral now." He says. I can tell he was pretty upset. I nod and Daryl goes back outside. I take Beth's hand.

"We should go." I say. She nods and we stand. We make our way out back to Glenn's grave. Beth had a tear slip down her face and she smiles a little. Why is she smiling? I furrow my eyebrows and she looks at me.

"Glenn's with Maggie now..." Beth says. Its true. They're together again. I smile a little at Beth. She always seemed to make things nicer. Even during the sad times...

**HAI sorry i havent updated in the past couple days but ive been sick and i feel like butt soo anyway yeah... Glenn died :'( sowie guys XD**

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