Chapter 4: Growls and Gunfire

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*HOLA EVERBODAYY!!!! Lets gert into tha fanficcccc!!*

Beth's POV

We were all walking towards town in search of cars because 1 car wont fit all of us. Noah kept his arm around me so i dont fall. I look down at my torn clothes. Hopefully I can get some new ones before we leave Georgia.

We walk for about an hour before seeing a car dealership. Of course. Its been looted already. But there are still a few crap cars left but hey, a car is a car right? Rick checks out the few cars that are left. He nods and walks in the building and he comes back out with gas. Daryl hotwires 3 cars for all of us to take while Rick fills up the cars with gas. Once they're both done, Noah, Daryl, Glenn, Carol, and I get in a car. Rick, Carl, Judith, Michonne, and Tyreese get in the other car. In the last one there was Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, Tara, and Sasha. I sit next to Noah and he has his arm around me. I was leaning my head on him and i was slowly drifting to sleep.

Noah's POV

Beth had fallen asleep on me. It felt nice. I think... I think i might like her... I mean. She so beautiful. And nice. And strong. And.... Shit i like her! I look down at her. Her eyes were closed and she had a slight smile on her face. I wonder what she's dreaming about...


Shit! Walkers! Daryl tries to dodge but there are too much. I take out my gun when everyone else does and we start shooting our way out.

Beth's POV

I wake up to the sound of growls and gunfire and I look at Noah with wide eyes.

Noah's POV

Beth wakes up with a frightened look on her face, not knowing whats going on. She looks around and sees the walkers and she takes her gun out of its holster and guns walkers down.

~~all walkers are killed~~

Daryl drives over the walker corpses. Everyone puts their guns back. Beth sighs "Well that sucked." She says.

I smiles a little "Yeah. At least everyone's okay." I say. Beth smiles back at me and she nods. Daryl stops the car behind the other two and we see Rick come out so the rest of us do the same. We had stopped at a 2 story house. It didnt look half bad. Rick looks at everybody.

"We're gonna spend the night here and get back on the road in the mornin'." He says. Rick, Daryl, Abraham, and Tyreese go in to clear out walkers and we all walk in. The place looked gigantic from the inside. Rick was assigning rooms.

Rick, Carl, Judith
Sasha, Tyreese
Carol, Daryl
Michonne, Tara
Me, Beth
Abraham, Rosita
Eugene, Glenn

We all leave to our rooms.

Beth and i walk in to our room. There was only a double bed. I look at her "I dont mind sleeping on the floor." I tell her. I didnt want her to feel uncomfortable.

"No thats okay. We can share. I dont bite." She jokes. I smile a little. To be honest, I'm glad she wants to share the bed..

*OMG the Boah feels!! Ha im such a lozer*

If Beth Had Livedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن