Chapter 5: Boah/Neth

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*Hai gurrlll or guyyy whatever gender you arreeee soooooo STORY TIME*

Beth's POV

"I dont bite" i joke. Noah smiles at me and i smile back. I felt warm and tingly or... Something. I dont know. But it feels nice. I dont realize until now that im leaning in. I dont think Noah realized he was leaning in too. I just let it happen.

We kiss and its so light its like im dreaming. Its like im in a fairy tale. Noah puts his hands on my waist and i wrap my arms wound his neck. It feels so magical. We both pull away and i blush like crazy. Noah smiles at me. I smile back. He kisses my cheek "We should get some sleep." He says. I nod and we get in the bed and i instantly fall asleep.

Noah's POV

I cant explain how beautiful Beth looks asleep. She seriously looks like an angel. I put my arm around her and i fall asleep.


I wake up and see Beth still asleep. I smile and kiss the top of her head. I see her smiling and she opens her eyes. She looks at me and she smiles. "Mornin' beautiful." I say. We share a kiss before getting out of bed. (Lol luv i suck at luv)

Beth's POV

I blush when Noah called me beautiful and we get up. We walk out and see Rick, who must've been on watch last night. He looks at us "We'll get goin' once everybody's up." He tells us. I nod. He sighs "In the meantime can you two clean and sharpen the weapons?" Rick asks.

"Sure." Noah says. Rick nods 'thanks' and we go away to the kitchen where we had the weapons. I pick up a knife and i take out my rag and start wiping off the blade. Noah does the same but with Daryl's arrow bolts. We clean off and sharpen a few knives until Sasha came in to let us know everyone else is up and we get ready to get going. I hear someone coughing really badly and I go to check on whoever it was.

It was Glenn.

He was coughing up blood.
"Rick!!" I shout. He comes running in and he sees Glenn.

"Shit" he mumbles and he looks at me "You and Noah go on a run to the pharmacy, now. Clear it out" he tell me and he hands me a backpack. I nod and leave with Noah.

~~At the Pharmacy~~

We walk in and Noah starts grabbing supplies. I grab some too.

The store is almost completely looted and i reach for something and a walker grabs me and i scream. I go to take my knife out but the walker would bite me if i grabbed it so i try to shove it off of me. Noah runs over and plunges a knife into the walker's skull. It falls down dead and I'm shaking uncontrollably. Noah hugs me and he strokes my hair (NOT CREEPILY) to calm me down. I close my eyes and sigh. He kisses my cheek. "I love you, Beth." He says. I look at him and i smile and kiss him. "I love you too..."


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