Chapter 15: Fallen Angel

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Noah's POV

Rick looks at us "This is Father Gabriel." I look at Father Gabe and he looks at us. He seemed scared of us. I look over at Beth. She looks back at me and walks over to Gabriel.

Beth takes his hand "Im Beth." She smiles warmly. Gabe smiles slightly. He didnt seem scared anymore. Beth has that effect on people. She makes people feel safe. I smile small and look at Rick.

Rick looks at everyone "Alright, Carl and I saw a sign about this place, Terminus."

Daryl looks up "Carol and I saw that too."

Rick nods "It'll take time but we are going there. I will check it out from a distance, see if its legit. Its gonna take us 3, maybe 4 days. We head out in 10 minutes." He says, sitting down by the fire. I go over to Beth and sit with her. She was talking to Gabe about God. He was saying how he never had to kill cuz God always protected him. Beth seemed very interested in what he was saying. Gabe got up and walked away and I heard him crying. Beth looks at me.

She sighs "I feel bad for him." She says. I nod and sigh "Me too." She las her head on my shoulder and we watch the flames dance. She falls asleep. I look at her. She looks sad. I wonder what she's dreaming about. I have to protect her. My fallen angel.

Rick stands up.

"We should get goin." He states. I nod and shake Beth gently.

She opens her eyes and gets off my shoulder. "Are we goin now?" She asks, rubbing her eyes. I nod and we stand up. I take her hand and we start walking out of the woods and onto the road. We walk for hours til its dark out. Rick clears a cabin and we walk in. I look behind me and I see everyone but Tyreese...

I look at Rick "Where's Ty?" I ask.

Rick looks back and mumbles "I dunno.." And he walks outside. We hear a thud and run outside. Walker Tyreese was on Rick, trying to bite him.

Sasha broke down in tears. Carol gasps. Beth acts fast and plunges her knife into Tyreese's head before he could bite Rick's neck. She helps him up. Rick looks at Tyreese and sees 2 bite marks on his arm he sighs and mumbles "Damn..."

Beth looks at me with tears in her eyes and she goes inside.

Beth's POV

There goes another person.. I run into the bathroom and lock the door and cry. I sit on the floor with my back against the door. I take out my knife and I clean off Ty's blood that remained on it. I roll up my sleeves with tears streaming down my face. I cut my arms 9 times and i take out my gun. This is exactly what i didnt want. I hate this! I cant stand seeing anyone else die! I hear a knock on the door.

"Beth?" Asks a concerned voice. Noah. I ignore him and point the gun at my head, turning the safety off. The knocks get harder and louder and I put my finger on the trigger.

I hear Noah yell my name over and over "Beth please dont do this!!!" His voice cracked and i hear more knocks. I close my eyes and pull the trigger.

If Beth Had LivedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat