Chapter 13: And We'll Be Good

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Beth's POV

"and we'll buy... Beer to shotgun... And we'll lay in the lawn.. In we'll be good." I sing, playing on the piano. Noah walks over and listens to me. I smile and continue singing "Now im laughing at my boredom.."

Once the song is over Noah smiles at me "You're really good."

I blush "Thanks" I smiles a bit. Noah's smiles turns into a frown and he looks like he's thinking about something.

"...You okay...?" I ask him.

Noah sighs "Are you?"

"Huh?" I question him. He simply hugs me.

"I-I'm sorry Beth...." He whispers.

I. Am. SO. Confused "What? Why?"

Noah sighs, not letting go of me "I read your journal..."

He- WHAT?!

"You- WHAT?!" I almost shout and I make him let go of me "Why the hell would you do that?!" I had tears of frustration in my eyes.

Noah looks at me "I had to know what was going on.. You wouldnt tell me- and about something this serious?? Beth... I dont wanna lose you... Please..." He begs me, tears flood his eyes.

I hug him tightly "I-I...." I dont know how to finish my sentence.

Noah hugs me back "You've been through so much just to throw it all away now... I love you... I dont want you to go.."

I was crying by now. I feel so guilty. I feel so stupid... I cant go... Not yet... Maybe.. Maybe later.

"N-Noah... I-I'm sorry" I say in between sobs.

He doesnt let go of me til I stop crying and he wipes my tears "I love you."

"I love you too" I say. He kisses my forehead and he takes my hands in his "If you ever feel like giving up.. Talk to me... We can get through this together okay?" He looks into my eyes and I nod.

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