Chapter 7: Beth

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*WARNING: Cutting/ suicide hinted!*

Beth's POV

To be honest. I feel like I'm on the edge of breaking. First Otis, Patricia, and Jimmy from the farm. Then Zach. Then my daddy. Then Luke and Molly. Then Maggie. And now Glenn. I've just hidden my sadness behind a fake smile. Well its real around Noah. Its kind of hard not to smile around him. But then, something hits me... I'm the Last Greene Standing... I used to be just the suicidal girl that just sat in bed and now I'm... Me. Not that I'm very proud of the Me that I've become but its something. I wonder what heaven is like. How everyone is doing up there... I look at Glenn's grave and wonder how everyone would react if that were me 6ft in the dirt. I look down at the scar on my wrist from what seems like forever ago. My yellow top was filthy. My grey sweater had a few holes in it but not too bad. I still have a massive headache from blood loss from being shot in the gut and there was still my own blood in my shirt. Did everyone really think i was dead? Why did I ever trust Dawn? Was i dead for at least a little? I remember seeing my daddy and i went to hug him but he just disappeared. I remember hearing his voice saying "Now is not the time, Bethy..." Maybe he was right. But I don't want to stay here and see everyone i love get snatched away from me. Id rather be the next to go then to watch all of them die.

Rick looks at me "Beth. Can you and Noah go on a small run? We need some more antibiotics if the sickness is going to go around again. "

I nod and Noah nods. He takes my hand and we start walking away from the building.

We walk until we get to the pharmacy. We start filling our bags. I reach for meds on a higher shelf and my sleeve rolls up a little.

Noah's POV

I walk next to Beth, filling our bags with supplies. She reaches for antibiotics and her sleeve had rolled up a little... Wait.. Whats that?? Is that a cut?? It looks old though.. I shouldnt be worried... Right?

Beth's POV

I randomly just become so aware about my cut and quickly i grab the medicine and put it in my bag and roll my sleeve back down. I see Noah looking at me.

"Beth... Whats that?" He questions, gesturing to my wrist.

"Oh i um- uh.." I can't think of a good excuse.

"Beth..?" He asks.

I sigh "its old okay? Im fine." I half lie.

Noah nods, buying my lie. We clear out the pharmacy and head back to the group.

We get back to the house and put out bag of supplies on the table. It was getting dark and Rick was set up on watch already. Noah and I go in our room to go to bed.

"Beth?" Noah says.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"You're not okay..." He states.
I look at him.
"Yes I am." I say.

Noah sighs "No, Beth.. I can tell by the way you're acting.."

"Can we just.. Not talk about this right now?" I ask him.

He sighs again and nods.

"G'night Noah" i say.

"Night." He says and we go to sleep.

**hey so this chapter only really HINTED at Beth's depression and its gonna grow later on. Yeah.. Baii*

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