forty eight

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^ (A must play)


"Jimin!" I cried as I ran to him, his head was on the floor, the blood gushing out of his head as the floor started to get soaked with blood as well.

I hugged his body, not caring if blood would get spilled on my shirt, I took a small mat from the floor and placed it on my lap, and I placed his head on it gently.

"I'm calling the ambulance!" I told him, taking my phone out from my pocket, I was about contact them when a a grip went to my wrist, making me let go of the phone.

Jimin's other hand took the phone and threw it to the other side of the room.

"Don't... please don't...," he pleaded, his voice as small and uneasy.

"W-why?" I asked him.

"Because I want to spend this moment with you," he whispered.

"Jimin, why?!" I asked him.

"Why didn't you tell me this?! We could've fought for this together!" I cried, my eyes forming tears.

"I... can't...," he let out, hissing from the pain.

"Why can't we be happy for once?" I asked, a lump forming in my throat.

"Because, we can't," he replied, his voice as weak as the winds.

"Why can't we? When you were the one who took my heart in the first place?" I sobbed.

"Because Minhyo, I wanted to love you, but I can't. Because I'm like this, I can't, I thought I would have had a perfect life, but what I realised is, I'm not even gonna continue that perfect life," he says, his eyes closing through the pain.

"When I met you, you were like the whole world, without you I won't even live, you were there for me in my saddest times, but I ran away, leaving my world behind, to someone else's world," he huffed.

The blood was starting to stop, but the pain didn't even make him rest for one bit.

"Jimin, you know I never left you, right?" I told him.

"I know, but once again, I'm leaving your world," he says.

"How long have you been lying?" I asked him, my voice shaky.

"I lie because... I don't want you to get hurt, and keep this pain all to myself. You've suffered enough, you think I'd be the reason for your pain?" He asked me.

"You were never a pain Jimin, you were the cure, even though you gave me the saddest truths, you will always be the reason behind my smile," I replied.

He smiled weakly, a tear leaving his eye as he stared at my eyes.

"Do you know... how life is so unfair?" He asks again, neglecting the pain spreading all over his body.

"Life is not fair at all, because people leave us for the better good, because those people deserve better, and the people who leave only bring them down, that's why there is no such thing as an unfair life," he explains, his voice cracking.

And then I realised something, my heart pounding as wet tears started to stream down my face.

"W-what do you mean by that?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"What I mean is, let go of me Minhyo, you deserve a better life," he says, tears streaming his face.

"No! Jimin, you will always be the reason behind this better life," I cried, hugging him.

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