The Royals Visit the Outlands -Pt. III-

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Four figures crossed the landscape of the Pridelands towards the Outlands, two lions and two mandrills. The two lions are of the same stature in height whereas the mandrills were of two different sizes. One was standing taller than the lion and the other one is of shorter stature due to her still in the development stage of her growth.

Makini was leading them in the direction, having to have the more chance of knowing where he could be, "We still don't know if he is, well... You know." Simba said to Nala following close beside him looking at him with distraught at his doubt. "Our son?" She finished his sentence he seemed to try to say as if it was a sensitive subject.

"I know you have your doubt, but I'm certain that was our son." Nala said to assure to her mate of this.

Makini was lost in thought of her own, how Tau could be the believed to be dead prince of the Pridelands. A memory of what happened when she was in the Outlands around Tau or rather Kion, "I may not like these Pridelanders or their king, and sure I would be lying if I said I didn't wish they would suffer like we had-" He wasn't a fan of the Pridelanders, and it was worrying to say the least.

The four had managed to make it into the Outlands where Makini was first expecting to run into Tau right off the bat like she had seen in the past, but the area around them was empty. "Hm?" She wondered placing a paw to her chin getting the attention of the others, "Is there something wrong Makini?" Nala asked.

"No-no-no, your majesty! It's just, Fuli told me Tau would always seem to appear here the moment they've came here." Makini explained which made them a bit worried, "So we have to wait then?" Simba asked a bit curious about this matter.

Makini soon came to an idea of where Tau might be, "That's right, his den!" The group continued to follow Makini as she started leading them to Tau's den, either to run into Tau along the way or to make it there.

The venture was a while before they came to a curve into an opening, "We're here." And as the four came around the corner where Tau's den was, they were faced with Janja and his clan, "Hyenas!" Simba said in a furious tone jumping in front of the others ready for a fight.

Janja and the other hyenas heard of someone shouting 'Hyenas!' and looked to see mainly an adult male lion with red mane glaring at them ready for a fight, "Who are you and what are you doing trespassing on our turf!" Janja said leading forward towards the lion with a growl.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa! We didn't come here to fight!" A voice from behind Simba called out as the female mandrill came charging in between the lion and hyena, Janja was surprised to see the 'monkey' from back when they had gone to the Volcano to getting the ashes. "You! So, I take it the lion with you is another Pridelander." Janja said receiving a stern glare from the said lion. "I happen to be the King!" Simba informed the hyena to which a surprised realization came to him.

"So, then your King Simba, that still doesn't explain what you're doing on our Turf!" Janja further stated, "It would be for the best if you watch your tone with me hyena!" Simba further threaten the hyena, "Simba!" Another voice from behind the male lion, it was a female lioness this time.

She took a further step next to Simba, "I take it you must be Janja then?" She said keeping a grace to her, Janja looked at her while keeping a stance ready for a fight should the need arise, "That's right!"

She remembered the story that the kids told her, that Tau lived with a couple of hyenas and the one he thought of as a brother was named, 'Janja'. "I was hoping we could speak to Tau." Nala said keeping a calm tone that got Simba questioning why she was showing any respect to hyenas.

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