Part 1 when can you start

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Hi guys here is my new story it will be different to the others hope you all will like

Here is the 1st part

Naira was sitting in a simple blue salvar..with her friends Sonali, Maya, Gauri,Mihir and Hemant outside at the table at a small café not far from her college area, it was sort of her friends and her local hang out area, they were all having cold drinks some were having cold tea and others were having coffee and ice cream.

"College is over finally we can chill" Maya exclaimed with excitement

" ya but I enjoy studying" said Naira

" boring.. come on Naira, always studying why don't we organise a holiday" said Sonali she was more of the hip type, crazy one in her circle she had short hair which was dyed blue.

"holiday.. no I can't you know that" Naira took to her drink whilst the others spoke.

"Gauri you in?"

"what Mihir.. I have to attend a wedding in 2 weeks you know.. my dad he is strict if I don't go he will cut me off"

"Forget it" Mihir just left. Naira wished she could go on holiday or live the life style that her friends live, but life didn't give it that opportunity.

"college is over for vacation what are your plans Naira?" she took a sip of her cold coffee with the straw. "nothing much I will most likely find some work experience..." The table became silent and all eyes were on her.. she felt embarrassed she didn't know what to say.
"That is an excellent choice sweetheart" said a voice from behind.. he sat down next to her and put his arm around her.. she smiled a little..

"thanks Ayush I knew you would understand"

Ayush is her bf.. he is supportive but at the same time can be a right clown and act like an idiot.. their relationship is not at a serious stage, but they have a good friendship and being in same college made them closer, looks were not his plus point, he is not even her type he has a shaved head, clean shaven and the worse dress sense, his sense of humour is what made her like his company. .he asked her out and because she didn't like her house atmosphere most of the time she agreed to date him and stay with her friends but not till to late only till 10pm because Naira actually wanted to study and do well, she wanted to become a teacher.

Her friends chatted amongst themselves then shortly all said their goodbyes and parted, Except for Naira and Gauri they were best of friends and confided in each other, Naira went to Gauri's house.

"mum Naira is here" as they entered the house.

"hi beta" said Gauri's mum greeting her with a hug..

"Hi aunty" she was so loving and caring towards Naira, she treated her like one of her own, she knew Naira home life and always felt for the girl, she made small chit chat with her.

"will you stay for lunch beta?"
"yes she will" replied Gauri.

"lovely lunch won't be too long, you both girls relax in the living room" the girls nodded.

"aunty you need any help?"

"Naira your so sweet, I wish Gauri would ask that from time to time.. Naira smirked.. and Gauri rolled her eyes at her mum.

"actually she can't I'm helping her with something" Gauri took her ipad and sat with Naira.

"ok so work experience.. what you want to do?"

"well I'm good with kids so I thinking babysitting, child minding that types of thing.

"ok.. lets just search and see" Gauri googled it.

"Actually yaar, I've already joined a agency and they send me ads now and then, I saw 2 that I was interested in so can I just check my e-mail?

"yah sure here" she gave her the ipad.." I'm just going to get my charger..

Naira looked through her e-mails "yes 2 responses.. ok they have 4 kids.. hmm 4 might be hard to deal with and there not paying enough for it. She skipped that e-mail and went to the next one, it was for an ad she applied to some weeks ago..

"Finally they got back to me and its... "Any luck?" her friend sat down with a bar of chocolate.. "yeah I applied for one 2 weeks ago, a couple and they have one child of 1yrs and look at how much they are offering for the job..

"wow yaar that is awesome you should do this, they must be a rich family to being able to offer a lot of money for a babysitting job, what are the names? Gauri was quite curious to know..

"hmm just said the mum's name is Preeti.. and no surname.. but its asking to call this number, let me do it now or I will miss this opportunity, she grabbed her phone and took the number now..

"ok won't be long" she went to quiet part of the house and dialled it.

"Hello" said a female voice

"Hello is this Preeti?"

"yah, who's this?"

"Hi maam I'm Naira Singhania I applied for your ad for the babysitting job some weeks ago..

"oh yah.. yes.. we were very impressed with your resume" Naira smiled hearing that.

"yah would like to set up an induction meeting with you as soon as possible.. are you free today?"

"yes I am.. in fact I can come now.. she said

"excellent I was hoping you would say that.. I have to go out later so if you can come by 4pm that would be great.

"done I will see you at 4pm" she cut the call.

"yes!"she exclaimed and went to Gauri.

"you look happy what happen! And where are you going?"

"I can't stay for lunch.. I spoke to the kid's mom she said she wants to meet now. And yaar I can't let this slip.. this could be my turning point in life.. Naira grabbed her bag.

"ok fine then stay for dinner instead"

"um.. I'll let you know.. Ayush might want to do something.. lets see I will message you."

"ok yaar goodluck I hope it all goes well"

"thanks.. see ya later.

"Naira went out of there and waited for a auto.. Luckily it came quite quickly she sat in and just went through the e-mail in her head.

She shortly got to the place quite quickly.. from the outside of the house she could just see how wealthy they were.. she went in.. Preeti greeted her she was in an expensive sari, she looked around in her mid 30's, they sat down and spoke about her experience, Siya was a sleep.. Naira explained that she has twin brothers ages of 7 years and she practically brought them up so she was aware of how to look after kids, and sometimes she looks after the neighbours kids.. Preeti was impressed with she hired her on the spot.

"I'm very impressed with you my dear, welcome aboard" she got up and shook Naira's hand.

"I'm sure my husband will like you too.. oh here he comes now, Preeti saw him come he was in a black suit.. he works for his own company Goenka enterprises she told this information to Naira.

'owns his own company he must be much older..her husband must be 40 odd.. or late late 30's?'

By the way when can you start? Preeti asked.


Precap:Naira meets her 2nd other boss

How was it please let me know? 🙂

I've not added a character sketch because I like to keep my stories a bit of a mystery but if you guys want one then I can add as characters are added they will be introduced as the story progresses.

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