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I worked out again today. It was called High Intensity Interval Training or H.I.I.T. We did workouts for 45 seconds and then a 15-minute break. There were 4 workouts in the first section, which we did three sets of.

-Jumping Jacks

-Mountain Climbers


-Shuffle Squats.

Then, there was a one-minute rest before we went on to do three sets of the second section


-Tricep Dips


-Squats and presses.

Again, we did them for 45 seconds each with a 15-minute break between workouts. Three sets.

It was HARD. The burpees were as hard as I remember them. And by the time I got to the tricep dips...oh man, the tricep dips. THEY were a NIGHTMARE. I could barely do three properly, I spent most of the 45 seconds on each set sitting on the ground and sweating my balls off.

It was nearly impossible to do any workout near the end.

I don't feel any stronger, but it's only week 2.

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