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This week has been weird.

I mean... nothing ultra special happened, just that I was sick on Friday, and part of Saturday.

I think my eating is still super bad, and therefore I think I gained weight. But, on the other hand there have been a couple nights where I fell asleep before supper and ended up missing it. Meaning I had two meals over 12 hours apart. Which is never good.

My sleeping is still really messed up. I have some sort of system down, but taking naps that make me miss dinner doesn't help that much.

I have decided that, since I do not have a lot of time in a week to write these, I figured that I would do my weigh on October 1, and then after that, go to doing a chapter every two weeks or so. One will be my eating (like this chapter) and then the second would be the weigh in. I think that's how it's going to work.

For now, it's still once a week, so I'll see you next week!

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