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This week was really good...almost.

I went on multiple very long walks and did Zumba nearly both times! I say nearly because my mom told my brother and I to do Zumba outside of Tuesday to keep us from destroying her wood floors because of all the foot movement and stomping and jumping. But. I have major allergy problems with grass and pollen. So, my nose and eyes were a disaster about 40 minutes in (classes are 1 hour) and I had major itches all over. I was a mess.

So yeah. Tuesday Zumba was a mess but tonight was pretty good. I did a pretty good job in Zumba today. I did modify a few moves to keep my calves and ankles from cramping 10 minutes in.

I'm making good progress. My workout routine has gotten good. Now all I have to do is get my eating habits up to snuff.

Weigh in will probably be near the end of May.

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