Chapter 43: Evil Boss

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Third Person' POV

The sound of a pair of black, well-polished shoes tapping pridely on the ground as it made it ways to an isolated part of the enchanted kingdom of Auradon. A place where no students ever notice. It may be announced forbidden by Ben.


His hands slightly fixed his signature blue and gold suit and went to adjust his striped red tie. He glared at his fancy watch before reaching a door which he bursted it open. He had to climb down a few spiralling stairs and it led to a spacious, prison-like ground. His steps got slower as he stopped by one of the cell. He put on his cold face and smirked lightly. 

"Why with the long face, mate? Why aren't you growling for help like a little lion as usual? You're tired? Hungry?"

Ben greeted but no response was given. He witnessed Harry's condition for a few minutes. He was hung with chained wrist to the wall and legs to the floor, leaving red marks. His hair was unkempt and dirty. His face had black marks that look like he's burnt. His pale bare body was exposed, swollen and gruesome, revealing merely severe bruises and scars wounded all over him. Most parts of his body were coloured in dark crimson red of blood. Harry was devastatingly fluggish and helpless and running out of energy. 

At one moment, Harry moved a little, signaling Ben that he haven't got defeated yet. His eyes were dewy but gosh, it were still breathlessly gorgeous as the piercing blue eyes gazed at Ben. 

"Aha. There you are. Wakey, wakey princess. Welcome to your last day of your miserable life. No worry, you'll be ended in no time." Ben sounded so cheerful and welcoming and he smiled widely.

"Wow." Harry said weakly. "Nice after party you have for me. That's so generous of you" Harry continued again, wanting to sound sarcastic.

"Of course, I am. You're my best mate, my best frenemy. You wouldn't miss it. I wouldn't let you." 

Harry closed his eyes, hearing what Ben was going to say next. "Hey. Good news. You are the endgame to all the things that's happening right now. Your little pawns will arrive here in just a few minutes from now. Don't worry. They'll make it. They're survivors. Am I right?" 

"They will. But not just arrive, they'll beat your ass and bring you down." Harry replied as he gained his might.

"Too bad, that's not necessary. It's easy. They just have to watch you suffer and Mal have to rethrone as my queen again. That's it." Ben cackled walking side to side in front of Harry's cell. He can't get close to him unless he turn off the high voltage cage generated by Maleficent's powerful spell. Ben did a hand signal to the security camera and it automatically shut down the voltageous cage.

"Why are you doing this?" Harry's facial expression was calm and laidback. He never wanted to look scared and feared by someone that doesn't worth his attention. "You already got everything you wanted. A crown, a throne, a-a kingdom, your people and Mal, your queen." 

Ben chuckled and stepped forward towards Harry. He had his hands at the back and he looked up at the hung hostage in front of him. His peachy lips smirked and he laughed as he looked down. He carefully took out the knife from behind his back and played with the blade with his fingers. "You still don't get it, do you, huh? I can't have slow, dumb player in my game right now. Oops. Sorry. Filthy mind straight from the isle."

Harry didn't show any action that show he wanted to fight back although Ben was insulting him. He know if he does that, he'll probably never make it.  "Yeah. I admit. I'm not as educated as you tycoons. So would mind explain this game of yours?" Harry smirked, not meeting eyes with Ben. 

"Heh." Ben scoffed. "Harry Hook." He glanced at Harry flirtingly. Their faces were just an inches away as Ben traced Harry's chin down to his neck with the knife in his hand. He can see a little hint of blood mark as he licked his own lips, looking satisfyingly. "Let's be honest. It's actually your fault why all of these started. You created this game. You made us go this far. la culpa es tuya (the blame is on you). You're the game master. And now, it's my turn to be one since you're defeated by a justiceful knight in shining armor."

"I was living my own damn life. I didn't do troubles and problems in your territory. Why did you come to me? Are you out of villains to avenge with?" 

Ben smiled psychotically before he harshly pushed Harry against the wall with the knife pointed at his face."You don't play jokes on me! You don't wanna see me turn into a real wild beast. You don't wanna feel your body parts falling to pieces and scattered everywhere as your friends arrive! I'm warning you."

"You don't scare me, Ben. Not at all. You just make me excited to see how this game going to end."

"Really? I'll tell you. You're gonna die later and so are your sloppy friends."

"You sure? Mal too? Are you going to kill her?" 

"No. Pfft." Ben shook his head playfully. "Of Course not. She's not your friend. She's my queen. She's helping me to win this game. We're going to bring you guys down in the mud." 

"Hmmh. How interesting. But I've been wondering, what was she doing here in the isle? Meeting her mom? Impossible. No one saw Maleficent recently. Oh, I totally forgot. She came to visit me. You guys were there, right? The moment you pointed a gun at me and handcuffed me then threw me here? Still fresh in this 'filthy' mind."

"You're relentless, aren't you hook? You cannot wait to feel the cold pointy blade of this knife on your 'beautiful' and 'muscular' torso. Silly me. Of course you want me to do with your HOOK." Ben pointed to one corner where Harry's hook was placed on a spot.

"I would die with a bank full of pride." Harry smirked devilishly, stunningly handsome even in a tense situation like that. 

"You ask for it." Ben bowed, honouredly. He walked out of the cell and signaled again at the camera as the visual of the blue glazing voltage appeared. Ben made his way to a control room, pushing a few buttons then elevated a lever. A blast of hot air was blown inside Harry's cell and the temperature began to rise. Ben loved it. 




 Author's notes

Here it is. Another chapter I wanna focus on. I was waiting for the moment to write this chapter as I want to reveal the dark, psychotic side of Ben. Hehe. Sorry if any of you think that this is a very random and cliche story. After I end writing this story, I wanna publish another story which is now still a draft. I cant wait for you guys to read it. Btw, love you guys as always. You are the best and please stay safe. ❤❤🙃😷

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