XII | Sensual

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He lay there, catching his breath as you gather yourself. He reaches down on the ground and grabs his t-shirt and begins to wipe off your chest. He hands it to you to wipe off your face and hands. You hold the black shirt up to your face and dry yourself off. He sticks his hand back out to you, offering to take it back. You hand it off and he throws it to the other side of the room. He holds his arms out to you and says, "come here", so you lay down with him, your head on his chest. You're on his left side and you can hear every heartbeat. You watch his chest move up and down as his breathing slows down. You have your hand across his stomach, gently stroking the right side of his waist. He holds you, his fingers massaging your scalp. You turn your head and kiss his chest once...twice...and a third time before you lay your head back down. He moves in and kisses your head. You've never felt so at ease as you have with Jungkook. You rub your leg against his. You love the feeling of his skin on yours. You both lie there, fully naked, above the blankets with smooth jazz playing and the hotel room glowing from the city lights. It's pure bliss.

You begin to fall asleep in the comfort of his arms. "Y/n", he whispers to you, "I'm going to take shower. You can join me or you can sleep". "Okay", you mumble, your eyes still closed. You feel him kiss your forehead and the bed feels lighter after he gets up. You're cold now. Before you can even look around for a blanket, he drapes a blanket over you. The bathroom light and fan turn on, waking you up a little more, and the bathroom door shuts. You sit up and look around. Beside you is a nightstand with the two empty wine glasses. You squint at the TV, trying to read the time in the bottom right corner. "03:38", it reads. "Oh my god", you think to yourself. You sit up for a moment and think. Should you shower with him or shower when he gets out? Should you shower in the morning? Wait, are you spending the night?? Should you call an Uber? He did tell you that you can sleep, and he did tell you that you can join him...fuck it. You get up and make your way to the bathroom.

There are double doors going into the bathroom. You open one of them. You're blown away by how gorgeous the bathroom is. You didn't get a good look at it earlier. You walk in; it's very dimly lit. To the right, there's a 'his and hers' sink with a mirror that takes up the whole wall. You see a glimpse of yourself and you're startled at the bruises covering you. You only look at them for a second, though. To the left, there's a huge jacuzzi bathtub. Straight ahead, there's a door—the toilet has its own room. In the back, left corner, there's a standing shower. You see the silhouette that is Jungkook. There's steam seeping through the shower door. You walk over to it. You're nervous. You can feel your heart pounding. 

You get to the door, and his back is facing you

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You get to the door, and his back is facing you. Should you knock? You knock twice and slowly open the door. He turns around and smiles at you. "You're awake", he says. "I am", you reply. You're not so nervous anymore. He moves over and you step into the dark shower. The shower space is spacious for one person, but definitely not made for two people. The hot water hits your body and gives you the chills. Jungkook stands facing you, and reaches down, putting both hands on your face. He leans down and kisses you with so much passion. He lifts you up, holding you with your back against the wall. You wrap your arms and your legs around his body while he continues to kiss you. It's not progressive, and you're okay with that. He's just kissing you. It's the perfect combination of intensity and sweetness. After a minute or two, he puts you back on the ground. He holds you for a minute, your face in his chest, and the water hitting both of you. He turns around and grabs a bottle of soap and hands it to you. You squeeze some in your hand, and instead of washing yourself, you rub it on his chest and his stomach. He watches you have full rein of his body. He turns around so you can get his back. You massage the soap into his back and his shoulders, and the strong smell of vanilla fills the air. You feel all the tension his back is holding. You massage his muscles and it makes him go weak. He puts his arm against the wall for support. You feel the raised skin where your nails dug into him. It's really swollen. "Does this hurt?", you ask him, gently stroking the area. "It burns, yeah" he replies. "I'm so sorry", you tell him, "It's okay," he laughs, "it'll heal...I got you too", he says, turning around. He touches your neck, where the marks are. He puts soap in his hand and begins to rub it all over your body, from head to toe. He uses care as he massages the soap into your arms, making sure not to miss a spot. He gets down on his knees to wash your legs. You push his hair back and wipe the water from his face so it doesn't get in his eyes. He slowly works the soap into one leg, and motions for you to lift it so he can rub it on your foot, and then the same thing on the other leg. You love how sensual he is. He stands back up and kisses you while the soap runs down and off his body. "There's shampoo and conditioner right here," he says, pointing it out to you. "I'm going to get out. I'll let you finish up. Take your time, Y/n", he says, "There are toothbrushes and toothpaste, too". He finishes rinsing himself and steps out of the shower.

You pick up the shampoo bottle and even though it's dark, you try to read it

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You pick up the shampoo bottle and even though it's dark, you try to read it. "Vegan and cruelty free", it says; amazing. You wash your hair and condition it. You turn the water off and step out. There's a stack of towels on the edge of the bathtub and you take one and wrap yourself in it. You take another one and wrap your hair in it. You walk over to the sink and there are 3 toothbrushes, brand new in the packages. You take the purple one and open it up. You brush your teeth and rinse your mouth out. You look at yourself in the mirror. "This is really happening," you think. You turn the lights off and walk back out into the room.

There's more noise in the room now, as Jungkook had turned their air conditioner on. He is now laying, shirtless in the bed he was originally sitting on, across from you. "I got you some clothes", he says, proudly. You look and on the other bed, the bed closest to you, there is an all white t-shirt, black basketball shorts and a pair of socks neatly laid out. "Thank you so much", you say. You drop your towel to the ground, and he's very respectful—he doesn't watch you change. You put the t-shirt on. "I think I'm just going to wear this", you tell him. "You look so cute", he smiles. You blush. He scoots over and invites you to lay with him. You cuddle up next to him, letting your bodies create heat in the chilly room. "I'm really happy I met you, Y/n", he tells you, "thank you for coming". "Thank you for inviting me. This still doesn't feel real", you reply. "It doesn't feel real to me either," he admits, "but it feels good". He kisses your forehead. "So what's happening? Joon said you have a concert tomorrow", you say. "We do have a concert. It's here. Same city", he explains, "And then we leave the next day," he tells you, "not tomorrow, but the next day". He plays with your hair. "Thank you for spending the night with me", he says, softly. You kiss him on the cheek. "I want to spend time with you more, but I don't know if it's possible". "I understand... how will I know?" you ask. "I will let you know. But whatever happens, please know that I really enjoyed my time with you. You are special and I'm thankful I could meet you". You share one last, meaningful kiss, and you sink into his strong arms. Your body melts into his and with the sound of his breathing, you let your mind wander and take you away into a deep sleep. 


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