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'Babe...' a faint voice was calling out for me. A little shake, 'Get up' 'Noooo gooo away! I want to sleep' I pulled the quilt back 'Park Hywa, if u don't get up this instant'

Park? When did that happen? My confused self didn't mind it though, it sounded cute. Just the thought of it, had my stomach full of butterflies. The ring heavy on my finger. 'Hywaaaaa!' and there it was, he kicked me off the bed 'What is wrong with u, Jimin? I tried standing up 'What is wrong with ME? You really want to know what's wrong? Your timing' I rolled my eyes 'Get your lazy ass moving, we have a place to be at' 'Fineeee'

I dragged myself to the washroom, my eyes shot wide open at the clothes that lay ready for me. Jimin? Wait he did all this? That means only one thing... I WAS LATE. I did my morning routine, and took a chaotic bath, dressing myself up in a baby blue kit.

I rushed outside, the smell of pancakes and cookies overwhelming the pent house. Walking towards the kitchen I saw him dressed in matching kit, our bag packs rested near the outdoor. Breakfast on the table, with a rose.

I hurried my way to my chair gulping at the sight of mouth-watering pancakes. 'Are these for me?' he shook his head 'No they are mine' 'Mehhh' he joined me as I began to dig into them. 'Who brought this?' I read the note with the rose 'Idk really. Some guy named P.J.M left it here for u' I chuckled, getting up to peck his cheek. 'Thank you'

His phone rang as I was doing the dishes. 'Hywa, it's time to go' 'Yes just a second'

We walked towards the back of the bus, taking our seats. Everyone was dressed in pastel blue kit. 'We will arrive at our destination in 6 hours and 45 minutes' Jimin sighed.

My head now rested at his shoulder, hand in hand. 'Jimin?' he hummed in response 'Did you get furniture for our new house?' he yawned 'No love, after this pandemic we will do it together' I nodded.

I played with the ornament on his finger. A sign of him being mine. 'Ackh silly we aren't allowed to wear jewelry in work places' I whispered, only to find him in deep sleep. A soft smile made its way to my lips. I straightened, pulling his head onto my shoulder.

The lush green trees looked flawless along these roads. In the distant you could see, the beginning of the Sakura season. Rustling of the soft pink petals, and singing birds were within the audible range. '30 more minutes' the host announced. I removed the band from his finger, tying up in a thread around his neck. Repeating the same with my own engagement ring.

'Good afternoon, sleeping beauty' I stated as he woke up, only to giggle at my statement. 'How far is it?' he stretched his arms '15 mins' his eyes widen... 'Crap!' 'What?' He pulled me towards himself in a haste. 'Listen to me, Miso bear. When we get back from saving the world, I'm making you my wife. We are having kids and living in the pent house like an elite family is supposed to live. If you have any objections, I don't want to hear them. HYWA! Where is my ring?' I was a blushing mess by the time he asked about the ring. 'Never mind, I will get myself a new one. Just so you know I love you, and I always will. And after this end, I will take u to the Disney land and Venice and all...' I Interrupted him with a kiss. He held my nape, deepening it. The sunlight reflecting off the newly beading tears, my lips tugging up in a smile. 'Jimin, I love you too, your ring is here' I held up the thread around his neck 'And calm down We are going to be just fine.' Rubbed my nose against his 'Together, we are fighters'

The wind dashed inside as the door slid open. We were ready to serve our country, because, together We were fighters.

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