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'Where were you?' Astron asked 'Nowhere' I shrugged 'Here' I handed him one of the roses 'This for me?' I nodded, walking ahead, handing all my co-workers one 'Kaira' I tapped her shoulder, 'Here' handed her one too, she gave me her cutest smile before gasping 'HYWA! Are you perhaps trying to get me killed?' I rolled my eyes 'How dramatic, and no they r sanitized' the last one was for of course, Brandon 'Mind giving him one from my side?' I nudged Kaira, earning death glares from her 'Yes! I do mind' 'Tsk' I chuckled.

15 people 15 roses, good going Hywa. 'OOOO is that pretty bunch for the pretty boy' I rolled my eyes again 'If you roll your eyes this much, they might get stuck at the back of your head' she smiled sickeningly 'Shut up, Kairsa'

'Doctor Hywa, your being called by Sir Jeffery, it is urgent. Please report to Emergency ward 3' the speakers blared above us. I was confused. This is the first time; they were so specific with the doctor. I placed the bouquet of roses on the table, adjusting my PPE and stethoscope, running to the emergency ward.

I was panting by the time I got to the emergency ward. 'Doctor Hywa here' I walked inside the room. It was just like the ICU; with additional chaos I must add. 'Doctor, I am...' I stepped around him, to the bed occupied by "THE" patient. Usually the nurses would shift them to our ward, how was this one any special? 'Yes doctor' I urged for him to continue, almost regretting my entire existence on spot.

It was as if the universe had stopped for a moment, my mind blocked. There was a subtle siren ringing in my head, as my breath hitched in my nasal cavity, chest tightening. 'Doctor' I heard a distant muffled voice call out. At that time, I wanted to scream, shout, anything to change the current state of reality. This patient who laid helpless on the bed, was no one other than 'Jimin' I whispered. 'Doctor, he's had severe pneumonia, the reports also show temporary dysfunctioning of the right kidney. I had to hand him over to someone I trusted' My mind a puzzle, heart tightening 'He's one of the best paediatricians we have, Dr. Hywa, best of luck' he turned around giving the nurse some instructions 'Hand me his files' I demanded. Three male nurses dragged his bed to the general ICU.

'Nurse, please guide him to room 4 bed 15' The ventilator was vacant, since the death of the patient last night. 'VICTORIA' I called out 'Take his samples and get them attested as soon as possible, I want all the reports done and ready within 24 hours.' She scuttered away, 'Astron, prepare the incubation, get me all the injections and antibiotics, move it!' within the next 5 minutes, the arrangements. Nurses crowded around the bed, I leaned in, whispering in his ear 'You are going be fine fighter.'

I injected him with general anaesthesia, followed by sedation and antibiotics. I inserted the cannula into his vein, taping it secure, before connecting it to the fluids. With some help, I pushed in a pipe down his throat via the nose aiding the intake of food while he stays unconscious. Now replacing the oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. The sight of him was pitiful, the once warm smile now cold and pale. 'Victoria, keep an eye on his condition' with that I left the room.

'Astron, I need you to get the papers ready, patient in bed 10' he was going to get discharged from the unit today. The smile was held bright and firm as he bowed in courtesy. 'Thank you, doctors', earning a pat on his back from Astron, 'Do visit us sometimes later.' Patients aren't just mere source of project to work on, they are a part of our family. And with the right amount of interaction and time, they become the special building blocks of our careers.

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