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The cold breeze hit my swollen eyes. The raindrops pattered onto my hair, as I took a seat under the tree in the park. There was an utter silence in the whole world, as if it was mourning in the loss of a fighter.

Baby you said together we were fighters, what does it make me now?

I walked back to his bed; his chest was now smoothly moving. Jiminie, you were dead right in my arms. What if... I couldn't save you? I held his hand, scoffing at the thought of not being able to feel his skin. I wasn't expecting anything at all, except something did happen.

His fingers wrapped around my hand so gently, as if it was an illusion. My head jerked up to meet his eyes. His eyes which were fluttering open, a faint smile visible behind the mask. 'Jimin' I breathed out, spotting a tear glistening down his cheeks. I ran towards mg table, returning with a pen and clipboard. I noted down all the essentials before checking on him again. I heard a distant shuffling, upon discovery finding Jimin trying to remove the object obscuring his voice. 'Jimin, with all due respect, you are a doctor but right now I am your doctor. So please, you are prohibited to touch that mask, until further instructions' I declared, with an unknown confidence. 'Doctor' Victoria was breathless by the time she reached 'Doctor the patient in room 2 bed 15 went into cardiac arrest' I spared Jimin a glance full of fear, he reassured me with a weak thumbs up.

Nurses crowded over the patient, one of them giving him CPR. I took over, listening to the details along with it. 'Prepare AED' continuing pumping his chest. Emily put gel on the metal plates 'Charged?'she nodes 'Stand away' '2' I rose my voice '3' 'SHOCK' His chest came up with the metallic plates. No response, Victoria continued the CPR. 'Once more' the gel was replaced on the electric plates 'Charged?' she nods again 'Stand away' '2...3' 'SHOCK' once again there was no response. I placed the plates on the nearby table and massaged his heart. After few minutes of continuous CPR, he took loud gasp, the monitor started showing reading again. We placed an oxygen mask on his face, trying our best to keep him breathing this time.

I was sweating by the time I changed and got to Jimin's bed again. He smiled behind that mask, 'Jiminie its your dialysis time' he was now connected to the machine.

That day you looked at me with fond eyes, 'Baby, get well soon, we still have to see the life together' that's what you said to me, now that I think of it. Was all of it just a lie?

I closed my eyes against the breeze, a tear escaped my eye, as my teeth sunk in my lips. How would it feel if you would be here with me now? If we were staring into the space, holding onto each other hands. Now my hands hurt, desperate to feel yours again Baby, was any of your words ever true?

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