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'Look what I got' Astron twirled. It was funny how all of us got along so well. The duties were fun to do now, the time passed by in happiness and content. It was as if the time travelled back to the time we were in high school. Much of friends, living together working together. Fun as hell. 'What is it Ast?' Brandon questioned. We were currently sitting in the room, around a table trying to eat something. Patients came and went. Some new admissions, some got discharged, some lost their lives.

'A token for your weekend date' Astron winked, I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion 'Huh?' 'Your test result, weirdo' I hummed in realization. 'Give it to me' Kaira snatched it away, 'so...' opening the envelope 'This says, that the weekend is...' she stopped, creating suspense 'Can you continue?' Brandon groaned 'It saysss...' ok she's just annoying. 'KAIRAAAA' 'That the weekend is going to be steamy'

Everyone hooted, 'Shut up people! We are in a hospital' followed by giggles. 'This would be by far the most anxious night for doctor Hywa' Brandon cooed, making me roll my eyes 'It's not the first weekend we are spending together' 'Sureeeeeee??' Kaira wiggled her eyebrows. I smashed a pillow in her face 'Shut up' 'It isnt the first weekend, yet your getting flustered as if.' 'Brandon, This person. RIGHT here wants to go out with you this weekend but is too much of a SCAREDY CAT to ask' the room fell silent, I smirked 'Now what Kaira? Cat got your tongue huh?' I chuckled. Her face was red, Astron cleared his throat, trying to ease the tensed environment. Honestly, if eyes could kill. I seldom swear I'd be dead by now, and Kaira would be behind the bars. I chuckled at her, angering her far worse than I could imagine.

I don't know who was more awkward, Brandon or Kaira, seeing them in such a state was driving me fussy. 'Ugh, What now? Where the two annoyingly chirpy birds at?' more glares. I rolled my eyes, Kaira mouthed an "I hate you"

'Um.' Brandon scratched his nape 'I wanted to ask you out too' he stated for the matter of fact. Everyone was in utter shock at that point. 'A...You mea...' 'Doctor!' Victoria ran through the sliding doors, making me stand up in an instance, running towards my PPE. 'Room 3 Bed 4' It wasn't right, his breathing rate decreased significantly 'Incubate him' nurses buzzed around. His lungs were "distorted", in layman terms, "dysfunctional", in scientific terms, and "Paralyzed" in medical terminology. We connected ventilators to his trachea, increasing the pressure and volume of air. 'Nurse, kindly keep him in check and report after every hour' with that I walked off, taking a round, paying my patients a visit.

'Ah...' I sighed when I saw Brandon and Kaira holding a deep conversation. 'Ehm' I cleared my throat. I am so sure I interrupted something deep and lovey dovey, it was clear seeing the pink hue on both of their cheeks. 'I am sorry for the interruption, but mind keeping an eye on my patients? Um...I have somewhere to be at' 'Not like we can say no now, can we?' 'Thank youuu. If something gets out of hands, give me a call' I squealed. 'I bet its Jimin related' I heard Kaira mumble, when she thought I was in a safe range 'They love each other so much, I wish we could be like that some day' and unintentionally I smiled.

I was happy, not the momentary happiness, but the deep hearted content and joy. Passing through the disinfected hallways, the wards, to the small tuck shop at the corner of floor. 'Sir can you pack up a bouquet of purple roses, and give me 15 red roses separately' he nodded, disappearing into his shop. 20 minutes later, the florist appeared with a cute purple bouquet, a unique mixture of chocolates and flowers, it was securely wrapped up in a flashy silver paper and red ribbon. A small card stuck on the side. Next, he blanketed each of the red rose into paper bag type packing material, tying it up with ribbons and curling them at the ends. He handed them over with a generous and passionate smile 'Thank you sir' I paid and walked back to the ward. 

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