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The workers picked her up at around 6 am. Like all others her body will now be homed in a coffin, buried and forgotten.

Heavy headed, nausea raising up in me, I walked from bed to bed. 'Nurse, please bring me his file and contacts' there were new admissions at the place of the two dead last night. One of them was a guy in his late teens. 'Sister, please take his blood test and give him sedations, IV fluids and antibiotics' I walked the next room, everything seemed stable.

By the time I was done taking the round, Sir Grey paid us a visit. 'Call at all the contact history provided and inform their families of the current condition.' He declared through out the ward. 'As for you young lady, your off this weekend, in case of emergency we will call you' he turned around, leaving the ward in isolation.

I changed into my pastel kit at the sterilization station. Bidding everyone farewell, I walked away.

Uh its been hectic few days. All I wanted to do, was hit the sack and sleep for long hours.

A surgical mask still sat on my mouth and nose. I scrubbed my hands with the sanitising gel and exited the hospital. The fresh noon breeze felt heavenly against my skin, the sun shining its blessings on me. I looked around a few times, taking in the normal life.

'Hey babe' I knew that voice a bit too well. Turning around I squealed in happiness. Honestly, who wouldn't? I ran for a hug only for him to push me back 'No!' 'ugh jiminnnnn, do you have any idea how tired I am? AND NOW you decide to reject me. Life is great' I heard him chuckle 'Sweetheart, lets get to a nearby hotel room, take a good shower get all anti virus n then go mushy' I rolled my eyes 'Yea whatever'

The hot water bath was heaven. All my muscles relaxed by the end of this oh so needed bath. I got into my pjs with a towel wrapped around my hair. Jimin was ordering, since he bathed first. The aroma of freshly boiled noodles and bacon, brought tears to my eyes. After 5 days of constant smell of disinfectants and stagnant air. This particular moment meant everything. 'Thanks, Jimin' we settled in front of the TV, munching on our food.

The hotel wasn't too far from the hospital, in fact it was only 5-minute walk away. I picked up the dishes and left them outside the hotel room, making my way back to the bed. And this time without a second word, I jumped onto my oh so beloved fiancée. 'Ouchhhhhhh!' he groaned, earned laughs from my side 'Yo fatso' I punched him at that 'How dare you call me fat? Have you seen yourself?' 'Yea yea whatever' he rolled his eyes; we shared a short glance before bursting into cheery laughs. 'Ah I am so tired' I cooed, he settled against the bed board. 'Let's sleep then' pulling me against him 'Sounds perfect' I snuggled against him, as he continued playing with my hair.

And so, I decided to visit my dreamland.

Purple Rainحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن