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"I never meant to cause you any sorrow

I never meant to cause you any pain

I only wanted one time to see you laughing

I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain."

She was the purple rain, the neon the rain drops and sudden content. She was the rain one drop it is millions, cascading from a confident sky. She was the pour that washes everything anew, bringing deep puddles into which children splash. And that happy congregation of water and air, the sense of being alive. She was the beautiful simplicity with which comes everything I love, the flora, the fauna, the very essence of nature. She was the drops steady and soft, falling from a sky of white velvet. She was the joy of the leaves, of royalty and calm, of everything that makes the world so bright and warm.

She was the Purple that combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The purple that is the royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. She was the hue of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride and mystery. My mystery.

She was the beauty in my life. She was the heart to my beat.

She was a warrior to many, her mind was the battlefield for which she was the commander.

She was young, she was wild, she was free, more over she was mine. I wanted to make you happy, and dance in the rain. We just got in this path together now it all went to vain. You were my wife, you were the mother of my bright life. Yet as if the nature didn't like it, and like thunder it zapped away all my smile...

She was the doctor, the fighter that stood firm. Commanding, fighting, saving lives sacrificing hers. She was the volunteered bravery of my heart.

She was the front line worker of our nation... 

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