Dear Park Hywa;

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"Adversity is the first path to truth"

Pain strikes you from the one point you never expected it to reach. It is the grim reaper that strikes you at the hour of comfort. It is the thief that robs you off your treasure. Be it your loved ones or money. Pain is the shadow that accompanies everyone, in the moment of light and covers you in the blanket of darkness. It is the silence that lingers when you are taken away from the cause of your breath.

We hide from pain, yet this time there are people who voluntarily stood firm footed facing the pain in the eye. They fought not just for themselves but for the sake of us.

They are our front line workers.

Those great heroes of our era. People who held our boundaries and civilisations from falling. The grocery tenders, the police officers , the social workers, the paramedics and most importantly the doctors. These people who are stepping over their comfort zone to provide for us.

We present our respect and salute to all of the front line workers of our nation. Thank you for being the protective layer of shield around us.

All kinds of salute and thank may not be able to cover up your loses and hard work. We present our gratitude and love.

Dear Park Hywa;

There are many more like you, who put us before themselves. You are the heroes that sacrificed themselves to make this place better for our living. I know it can be hard at times, you worry about your friends and family...yet you manage to be out there saving lives. Your families were worrying and that is what happened. You lost your life for the sake of humanity. You left your family on the trust of goodness and that is what makes you and all the ones like you our new inspiration. A doctor means a difference between life and death most of the times. You remain indispensable no matter how gradually the technology is being improvised. You are professionals who made a difference for thousands of patients and we are grateful for the commitment you held until the end of your life.

We are deeply saddened by the loss of such dedicated, caring doctors, and our heartfelt condolences are with your family and loved ones at this difficult time.

Tons of thanks for everything and for a new world. We are profoundly indebted to every individual facing this disease to care for patients in this crisis

With Respect,


#DilSe Thank You.

#DilSe Thank You

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