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The wall to our room was transparent, just so we could keep an eye on the circumstances of our assigned rooms. 'So, miss oh too beautiful...' I looked at her with a 'what the heck' look 'when are you getting married?' unknowingly smiled at the thought, taking a deep breath 'Someday.' 

 I was setting up my locker 'Good afternoon, Dr. Jimin' I scoffed 'Not again Kaira' 'Good afternoon, Dr. Kaira' my eyes hung wide, laughs occupied the room as I turned around 'UghUghUgh' Jimin smirked 'I wasn't doing anything, Hywa' Kaira cocked. 'Ughhhh' I stomped around, he wore his PPE, with a huge him printed on the front 'Wait this is an all doctor's thing now?' 'Yea we got it customised for everyone' Brandon replied 'Watch her wear it now that he is too' Kaira mocked, earning death glare by me. Jimin chuckled 'How have you been, baby?' I choked on my saliva, turning into a deep red colour. Guess what is the most interesting thing in this room right now? MY FEET!                                          

'Ah, here Brandon, the blood tests u asked me to fetch' the door opened, and one by one everyone left. Leaving me and Jimin alone. 'So...?' I glared daggers at him 'so? SO? You just publicly called me baby and now u have the audacity to stand here and say so...??' my hands rested on my waist now, he continued smiling, 'I missed you' he folded his arms behind his back. I stepped forward, trying to hug him. 'Nah huh, no hugs, social distancing' I rolled my eyes 'Ughhhh' looking at the roof, tears brimming my eyes. 'Babe, don't cry' his face came dangerously close. 'Please don't, I just want you to be healthy' I nodded my head, smiling even in utter distress.

'I should go' he said as the minute passed by. 'You should' he looked back, smiled 'See you the day after tomorrow' he winked and walked out of my vision. WHAT? THE WEEK ENDED? ALREADYYYY? UHHHH

I got into my PPE 'So....Kaira' I prolonged 'the files?' she nodded briefly, 'all under control, Hywa, don't stress out' I chuckled 'I'm excited more than stressed' 'Why?' she mumbled 'Ahhhh I see. Weekend with sweetheart' she giggled, making me roll my eyes 'Yea yea, what about you though?' I pinched her arm 'What about me?' 'Brandonnn?' 'Ugh' she groaned followed by a chuckle, 'I don't know what about us...We are just...this?' she sighed. 'At least me turned to us, that's something' I nudged her with my elbow 'Shut up Hywa.'

I walked into the room; a team of paramedics sat there. Apparatus everywhere, they invited me inside. He escorted me into a smaller room at the back. Numerous tests were taken, they collected sputum sample. Nose cell and throat sample. 'We will send your results via the head nurse by 9.am tomorrow.'

By this point I was low level frustrated. Not of my job, but of the continuous stale air, of the continuous healthy food, the smell of disinfectants, the beeping of monitors. Once the results arrive, obviously negative. I shall take my rest, for days.

And for those of you who say we are doctors running from our responsibilities. Know that we are humans too, we give our best but we have feelings too. This situation distresses us as much as it depresses u. But we choose to work against it, and save you. We require from you to be respected for our feelings and cooperation in keeping this pandemic from spreading.

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