Chapter Twelve - The End is Neigh!

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Okay, well, not the ACTUAL end. There's still at least over twenty chapters left.

I was thrusted into the first night I showed up at the fic; each and every one of my bandmates woke up around a campfire within the caravan from days ago. I had a massive headache, and from the looks of it, everyone else had one too. I had to take a moment to concentrate and process just what the hell had happened.

"Jesus," I muttered. "Hey, did any of you guys see what I saw?"

Poison regained a sense of time, but he didn't answer me at all. Instead, he looked absolutely furious.

"Uh," I said, "you guys remember what just happened, right?"

Poison stormed up to me and grabbed me by my shirt. "Yes...I...did," he growled.

He raised a fist, and I braced for death. However, Jet stepped in at the last second and pried Poison away from me.

"Poison, don't!" he said. "Let's just settle this like civilized people!"

Poison threw me to the ground, and I fell on my ass. "Like civilized people?" he shouted. "Like CIVILIZED people? You're expecting me to stay calm when this JACKASS has invaded our fic?"

"Please," I said, "I can explain!"

Poison marched over to me again, but before he could say another word, a strange whirring noise whipped past the camp. Our Wattpad bands glowed red and made an eerie buzz; that is, except for mine.

It shut down completely, and I couldn't get it to do anything.

"Uh, guys?" I said. "What's...going on?"

Another whirring noise whipped past the camp, and Poison grabbed my shoulder; we all ducked down to the ground and crawled over to the trans-am.

"What the hell is happening?" I whispered.

Poison put his hand over my mouth. "Don't move," he said.

Then, out in the distance, I saw two orange lights cresting over the dunes; the lights grew brighter until two distinct shapes came into view.

The shapes casted an orange light upon the dunes as if they were scanning something; both of them were very square in shape and looked like giant, hovering robots of some sort. As they approached the camp, I notice that a pair of snake-like arms with claws on the end coming out the sides of them. In the center of the two terrifying machines was an all-too-familiar sight—the Wattpad logo.

So, I thought to myself. This must be it. For real this time. I closed my eyes and held my breath.

Then, the machines lit up incredibly brightly and screeched like banshees.

"Get in the car!" shouted Poison.

My adrenaline kicked in, and we all scrambled into the car as the two metallic monsters barreled towards us. I jumped into the back and almost crushed the Girl, who instantly woke up from a deep sleep. Poison dug his key into the ignition, and started the car up as quickly as he could; meanwhile, the Girl looked out the window in fear.

"What's going on?" she said.

Poison said nothing and stomped on the gas pedal; the car's tires squealed and kicked up a ton of sand, rocketing forward. All of us were pinned to our seats as the car's engine roared.

One of the robots shot a huge, orange laser at us, but barely missed; the Girl screamed in terror and held onto me tightly.

"What's going on?!" she cried.

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