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Jimin furrowed his eyebrow at Yoongi, trying to understand the black hair guy infront of him. He kept on talking about this girl he met,and Jimin firstly was interested.

I repeat,was.

Because Yoongi never laid his sleepy eyes on a girl,and to him talking about one was something that Jimin willingly canceled his plan on clubbing tonight.

Now he regretted it.

His sighed seeing how restless his housemate is,explaning he heard her voice but she insisted that she wasn't talking to him,and Jimin knew he need to say something or Yoongi will spurt more useless shit to his ear.

"I get it,you like her!"

Jimin say,gleaming and the boy stopped. He thought he was right and he was about to stand up when Yoongi say something.

"No I'm not. I just met her,and we dont even know each other name. Jimin , I'm serious okay?"

Jimin tried to hold his annoyance and flashed out a gummy smile at him,trying the best to take his words seriously when all Yoongi was saying he literally heard a girl voice and he couldn't find the reason why. Then he started to say that the chursh is haunted, which seems to absurd as no exorcism has been there and the priests seem to be the type to only spend their full time there than being an exorcist.

"Am i going crazy Jimin?"

"You just heard it once, probably you were too tired Yoongi. Calm down"

But no,he didn't.

"What if, I can read her mind? But that never happened before! Besides I could only hear her voice ,not others!"

For a second,Jimin almost believed him. Then he brusted in laugh. Yoongi eyed him suspiciously, and got pissed off seeing how Jimin laughed like a maniac at him.

"That's it Yoongi! I'm leaving. Stop with your crazy marvel mind. You look ridiculous"

Before the latter could fire back,Jimin walked out lazily from their house and leaving him alone. He groaned in annoyance,not liking how Jimin doesn't believe his words. He was sure that what happened before wasn't something ordinary,and he hated it.

He likes silence,but now he may never get it anymore since that particular girl entered his already shitty life.

He was going to drag Jimin tomorrow,and this time he's going to prove it.

Voices // m.y.gWhere stories live. Discover now