Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I opened my eyes
to the bright rays
of the sun pouring
in my room. I squinted
my eyes. I reached
out to close the blinds
when I saw a glimpse
of Johnny. I smiled
at him but he didn't
seem to see me. "Close
the blinds y/n!" Dally
yelled at me. I turned
to him and rolled my
eyes. "What does it
look like I'm doing?"
I turned back and closed
the blinds and then
leaned back so I fell
right on top of him.
"Get the fuck off of
me y/n" "Hey what
happened to the Dallas
that was comforting
me last night... huh?"
I gave him a playful
look. "That Dallas felt
bad for you. And this
Dallas doesn't." He
gave me a nuggy and
I laughed. "Get dressed
y/n we are going out
with the gang." "Well
I can't get dressed if
ur in here. Can I?" He
stared at me angrily
and then left my room
slamming the door.
He loved me. I opened
my empty closet and
put on a white crop top
and a denim mini skirt.
I curled my lashes
delicately. Then applied
lip gloss to my already
pink lips. I looked myself
in the mirror and hated
what I saw. I scanned
my body. Something
inside me just shattered.
I just stared at myself.
"Y/n! Cmon!" Dally yelled
from the living room.
I sighed and then walked
out the door. Taking
one last glimpse of
myself in the mirror.

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