Chapter 17

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It felt like everything was in slow motion. Him pulling the trigger. The bullet barley missing me. And it going into Johnny.

The sound of the bullet kept on ringing in my head. I hadn't even comprehended what had just happened. I was still in shock. I looked at Johnny. He looked down and touched where the bullet went into him. He looked at his bloody hand. His eyes rolled back into his head. I ran to Johnny as he fell to the floor. "Johnny!" I yelled. I put him in my lap. I ripped off a piece of my shirt trying to stop the bleeding.

I looked back at the gunman. He was gone. Then again I heard more screams as he went into more rooms.

I looked at Johnny again. He was still breathing. "Johnny! Cmon Johnny" I cried "Johnny please! It's ok Johnnycake. It's ok. I'm right here. I'm right here." I said as I hugged him. "I-I'm right here." I closed my eyes.

I wasn't just gonna stay here and let him die. I got up off the ground and put my arms though his armpits so I had a good grip. I dragged him through the hallway.

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