Chapter 22

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I walked in his room. He hadn't woken up from surgery yet. I walked over to his bed and sat down next to him. The only thing I could focus on was the heart monitor. The only thing I could hear was the beeping.

"Y/n?" I got started.

"Johnny!" I hugged him. "Are you ok? How do you feel? Want something to eat?"

"Slow down y/n" he blushed "I'm fine" His voice was still groggy. I gave him another hug. We hugged for a few seconds. I just wanted to stay in his arms. I felt safe in his arms. "Hey Johnny!" The gang said as they walked in the room.

"Hey guys." He looked around the room. "Where's Pony?"

"H-he got shot....he's in surgery right now"

"Oh man is he gonna be ok?"

"We don't-" Darry started saying

"Yeah, he's gonna be ok." Dally cut him off.

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