Chapter 8

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Me and Johnny walked out of the house. The warmth hit me like a bag of bricks. I had put on my jacket to cover the....hickeys but it was to warm for it. Johnny looked at me and then smiled. It gave me butterflies. He definitely wasn't as innocent as he seemed.

We made our way to the lot to try and find someone from the gang. "Hey guys! Wait up!" We looked behind us and saw Pony running towards us. "Hey Pony" I said hugging him.

"Hey man" Johnny said "do you guys wanna go watch a movie or somethin?"

"Oh yeah! That would be great Johnnycake" I said with a big smile. We started walking to go find Dallas. I walked beside Johnny our hands rubbing against each other's. I knew he didn't like a tease so he enlaced our fingers. Pony kept on looking down when he was walking with us and rubbing the back of his head. "Pony?" I asked. He turned to me. "You ok?"

"Y-ya" he gave me a smile "I'm alright." I gave him a weird look but we kept on walking.

Could he be jealous? No, not Pony. He already said back at his house- oh shit. He never said he didn't like me only that he wouldn't date me or hit on me because of Johnny.

We decided to just go to Pony's house to get something to eat before we left since it was already getting dark. We walked in the house and the smell of a fresh baked cake circulated the air. "Mmm" Pony said sniffing the air.
I laughed. "What you making to eat?" He asked.

"Cake" Soda said grinning.

"No like food."

"This is food."

"Oh cmon Soda. You know what I mean"

"Alright, alright" He said with another grin. "I'll make you guys some soup or something. Where you guys going anyways?"

"To the drive in." Johnny responded.

"Oh, well I'm going to a party with Steve. So I won't go"

"Alright." Me and Johnny sat on the couch while Pony sat in the other chair while we waiting for the food.

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