Chapter 19

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I was waiting in the lobby. They took Johnny to the O.R. right as we got to the hospital. The lobby was packed with students parents. They were all so frantic, yelling at the doctors. I just watched them.

I looked at my skirt. It was smeared with blood. It was the skirt that I wore on me and Johnny's first date. Tears piled up in my eyes but I just whipped them away.

Waiting there were the longest hours of my life. I was about to drift off when someone touched my shoulder. I turned around, startled. "Darry!" I got up and hugged him. After we pulled away he scanned me. "You should get cleaned up y/n. You have been waiting here for a few hours. We still have to wait more for Pony."

"What?" I said

"What y/n?"

"D-did you say Pony?"

"He's in surgery right now. He got shot in the chest."

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