Chapter 6

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"I didn't say I liked you! I only said I think your hot....ok now that I say that it sounds bad." He said in a nervous voice. I laughed. "But don't worry I'm not gonna try to hit on you or anything. I wouldn't do that to Johnny." I had my eyebrow raised and was so weirded out by what Pony was saying.

This was another side of him. I've never heard him speak like that. It scared me but I kinda liked it. I guess.

I laid down on the bed and put my hand on my head. "It hurts like hell." Pony was getting something out of his drawer. He turned around and laughed. "Here"

"What's this?" He handed me a jar of some sort of white cream.

"It's this miracle cream. Or that's what Soda says. It's his own recipe, put it where is hurts and go to sleep with it on. When you wake up the mark should be gone." He smiled

"Oh cool" I said opening the jar.

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