Chapter 5

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Dally lunged at her. He usually doesn't grab or hurt women but it was for me, his little sister. Our dad taught him to never hurt women before he went away. Even though my dad never actually respected women like he told Dallas to. Dally always wanted to. So that was one reason he knew he didn't turn out like our dad.

He grabbed her away from me. "Get the fuck out of here!" Johnny screamed.

"You can talk to your mother like that!" She yelled back in her scratchy voice.

"You are not my mother" Johnny was no staring at her. Anger and pain in his eyes. Dally still had his grip on her. He backed her up taking her off the property. I touched my face. I cringed at the pain. The whole gang ran up except for Darry, who was helping Dally, to see if I was ok. "Are you sure you're ok?" Steve said touching my face.

"Yeah Steve" I smiled trying not to show the pain of him touching my face. "I'm ok."

"Don't touch it!" Pony said. Slapping Steve's hand away. Steve looked at him and stared him down.

"Cmon lets get inside y/n" Johnny said grabbing my hand.

"You guys know I don't need your guy's help. Right?" They stared at me. "I can take care of myself." I giggled. They all got red. I turned to Johnny and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "That's what I love about you y/n" He said with a sweet look in his eyes.

We walked in the house. "You can rest in my room." Pony said. I looked at him. "I- I mean if you wanna." He gave me a half crooked smile.

"Yeah, that would great Pony." I laughed. We walked to his room as the whole gang watched us. I turned back to them and then they all looked away. "Do you see them Pony?"

"Yeah...they are probably not used to girls taking the lead." I gave him a weird look.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I said in an annoying voice.

"You already know. Your smart. They probably think your like super hot now." He laughed.

"Do you?"

"Maybe a little bit." He said as he opened the door to his room.

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