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A few hours later:

The professor brought me and 8 other people, who I learned were criminals too, to this big house where we should spend the next 5 months learning about the big plan.

Me and the others got in that very old and a bit damaged house, then the professor showed us a bit around. At the end of the house tour, we got to a room which looked like a classroom. There were desks, chairs, a blackboard and all over the walls were pictures and pieces of paper. It reminded me of my old school.. God I hated that school, I just liked the people. Anyways, I took the seat right next to a girl with short brown hair and bangs. I already started to like her, she just screamed trouble and fun.
We started our first lesson when the professor wrote 'Welcome' on the board.
He told us about 3 rules:

No names
No personal questions
No personal relationships

We'll see what's gonna happen about the last one.
We aren't allowed to use our names so we agreed on cities because planets and numbers just didn't fit us.

There was Tokyo, the girl next to me,
Berlin, 27 robberies on juwelery shops and others, he was gonna lead the thing.
Nairobi, she faked money since she's been 13, very optimistic and maybe crazy but in a cool way.
Helsinki and Oslo, every good plan needs two soldiers who follow commands.
Rio, the youngest of us, a computer freak since he's been 6, very good hacker, he helps us with the technical things and clearly got Tokyos attention. Moscow was a miner but figured out it'll be more successful to go up, 3 robberies and another thing.
But then I saw the boy behind him, his son. Denver. The king of street fights and dumb decisions. He could break any bone (and I maybe his heart) . We had eye contact for a few seconds and I smiled at him in a flirty way just to cover up the fact that I'm screaming inside because Wow he is hot and his laugh is the funniest! That was the moment I knew, the coming time was going to become the best time of my whole life!

And oh, I called myself London. I really like the city and it sounds cool you know.

The professor: No crimes, no pictures, last time he extended his ID he was 19. He's a ghost, but a clever ghost.
He started to hold a speech about what is important. " We aren't going to steal money, we will make it ourselves. We have to get the people on our side, they have to like us. We are going to be something like Robin Hood but in the moment were blood flows, in that moment, we are just some assholes trying to get money."
"Professor? What are we robbing?" Tokyo asked. He pointed to the back of the room. A perfect design of the Royal Mint of Spain.

OH my God! Everyone was so excited about this and me especially. I had one or two thoughts on doing something like this, I mean I'm really clever and have good planes but you have to be a genius and maybe a psychopath to plan it without getting everyone killed.
We'll learn about weapons, surgery in case someone gets shot, and of course every little detail of the professors perfect plan.
But he didn't think about what will happen if someone falls in love.

Just wanted to apologize if I made grammar mistakes I'm not a native English speaker but I'm trying my best.💗

Love is a big word. (La casa de papel. A Denver fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now