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Authors note: I'm back after a lot of months and im sorry I haven't written anything, but I promise I'm going to finish this book now. Thank you all so much for almost 15k reads!! I really hope you still enjoy this Story, first I get back into this, the chapters will get better. Love you guys and have fun reading again!

Denver and I were just chilling in the safe not expecting what is going to happen and already happend. The sweet Professor met Raquel, the Inspectora, and eventually they ended up next to each other in a bed. I would be happy for him, but he wasn't watching the mint over camera right now. I'd say, if he isnt watching us, everything kinda gets out of hand. My dear Arturo decided to break out with other hostages and that's when the shit really begun

I got up to get some water when Arturo came my way really quickly, almost running. Of course I couldn't help myself and asked him: " Arturito, where are you walking so fast? Watch out you dont do anything that upsets me or else youre gonna end as your sweet little Monica."

He turns around and looks at me with his angry tearfilled eyes. "What did you say?" he angryly asked, walking near me. I meanly smiled back. I knew he was about to hit me if i said what I definetly was going to say. I enjoyed seeing him like this and I also knew if he tries to touch me, I'm having lots of fun puching the living shit out of him.

"I said I'd might but just might, do the same to you as I did to her. You know Arturo, I had so much joy blowing out her brain. Even better than anything else. The look in her eyes when she knew this was the end. The tears rolling down her face for the last time, the whimpers and cries and even beggings when me and Denver held the gun to her forehead. And her blood spreading all over the bathroomfloor. Crazy how much pleasure this gives me." I laughed at his furious expression.

"YOU CRAZY BITCH" he goes to hit me. I dodge and give him a puch in his liver. He cried out in pain but tried again, stumbeling towards me. I took the chance to grab him by his throat and push him agains the wall. He gasped , trying to breath but my grip was to tight. I would have loved to kill him right here but I'm not allowed to.

"Come on, tell me why I shouldn't choke you to death right here . Got anything to say? Huh? " i provocated a liitle more while grapping his gunshot wound, he whined in massive pain like a Little child.

"Please don't, please, I- I am important , you need me. I have Information about the hostages. please."

" And what would that be?" i slightly opened my grip .

"They are escaping. 16 hostages. Right now. And I know where." he choked out quick.


I ran back to Denver. " GET UP! ARTURO. THE HOSTAGES! THEY ARE ESCAPING! " i managed to yell, heavy breathing. "Shit" he said. We ran as fast as we could through the mint to find the others.
Denver bursts through the door with me right behind almost tripping over my feet. Tokyo looks at us confused.
"Sixteen hostages are escaping right now. Through the loading area!" we yelled in synchron.
"Tokyo, get Nairobi." Berlin commands.
"Rio, Denver, get Oslo and Helsinki."
I stayed with Berlin as he called the professor.
"What's going on?!" Nairobi ran into the room with Tokyo.
"Sixteen hostages are trying to escape." I told her.
"Fuck!" she yelled and we put on bulletproof vests.
"And we are going to get them." Berlin slammed the phone back on the table. He isn't picking up. Where is the professor when you need him?
I grabbed the big guns, loaded and gave them to Nairobi and Tokyo.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Ready! Let's go!"

We ran towards the loading area then something made the walls shake and a bright light appeared. Explosion. Shit. The plastic explosive.

Denver, Rio and Helsinki ran beside us with a huge piece of metal. We had to seal the hole somehow with a dozen green lasers pointing at us just wanting for the right moment to blow us all away.

I prayed for everything to be alright soon. It all happens so quick. For the first time in a while, I was madly scared. I don't want to go back to prison. More bad would be someone dying.. Denver dying or Tokyo.

All of these thoughts are rushing  trough my head in seconds. I felt the adrenaline in my veins as so often being in this heist. Nairobi, Berlin, Tokyo and I held our guns close and got behind containers for safety.

They started shooting. I heard it hit the metal a thousand times in a second. Denver, Moscow, Helsinki and Rio were holding it against the explosionhole. They needed so much pressure and power.
"We need something to hold this up! Hurry!" one of them yelled.
"And Oslo, find Oslo!" Helsinki added.
"Remove that!" Berlin commanded.
"Dad, I cant hold it, I can't!" Denver yelled at his father with his last bit of power.
Both of them let go and it fell down.

The bullets hit Helsinki and he sank.
"I'm going to check on Helsinki. Cover me, shoot at them. Be ready!" Nairobi screamed over the shooting.
We fired back at them. I can't count how many times I fired. She got over to him, the vest stopped the bullet. Okay, it's going to be okay.

Something got shot inside. It landed right beside me. A smoke bomb.
"A smoke bomb. It's supposed to blind us. Get out. Moscow hurry!" Berlin screamed. He crawled back to us, behind the container. Moscow took the bomb.
"They are coming in. We have to close it!" he said.

"As if we haven't thought of that yet." I aswered.

"Fucking shit!"

"One, two, three. Fire!" and we shot at the Police in full body armour comming dangerously near the Opening.

"They're coming in! They are almost there!" Berlin yelled in panic.

I looked over to see Tokyo beside me. I saw the look in her eyes and knew we had the same idea. Lets get the big machine gun!

"Cover us!" we yelled and got up. While running to cover ourselfes, we shot. Tokyo made it behind a banknote paperroll shortly after me. We got it and rolled it to berlin. Tokyo took advantage to fire at the Police while I kept loading it.

They yelled and ran back behind their covers. I saw in Tokyos face she was totally enjoying it and so were I. We shot everything we had at them , hopefully hitting some of them till they were all gone.

"Close it! Come on!" I yelled.

Nairobi, Berlin and I sprinted getting up the new metal door and it worked. The hole is closed. WE made it. Rio quickly took 4 steal sticks and a few Wood blocks to Keep the hole closed. The boys worked on that and made it in like a Minute while I kept yelling at them to hurry.

Helsinki went Looking for Oslo and found him. His blood all over the floor and passed out..

Love is a big word. (La casa de papel. A Denver fan fiction) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu