29. The Funeral

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Some hours later, they all learnt about Peggy Carter's death.

The funeral would take place in a few days, in London.

The Accords were indeed signed by Tony, Natasha, Rhodey and Vision, while Wanda still wasn't sure what she wanted to do and Steve, Sam and Andria just refused to.

Natasha also contacted Clint, but he said he was already retired.

When the day of the funeral came, Steve, Sam and Natasha got to a private jet to head for London.

After the funeral Natasha would leave for Vienna to ratify the Accords, while Steve and Sam would stay.

Everyone else stayed back except for Andria who said she'd go to her aunt and Fury in Seattle.

The truth, however, was she didn't even talk to Maria about anything.

Instead, she booked a flight to London and got to the funeral, while the others hadn't arrived yet.

She was standing near a column, hiding from everyone she knew during the whole funeral.

When it ended and the church cleared out, only Steve and her were still inside.

He hadn't seen her and she was ready to go talk to him, but Natasha got in and headed his way.

Still hiding, Andria listened to their conversation.

"When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone. Then I found out she was alive. I was just lucky to have her," Steve said.

"She had you back too," Natasha smiled gently.

"Who else signed?" He asked her, a glimpse of sadness in his eyes.

"Tony, Rhodey, Vision," Natasha answered.

"Andria?" Steve asked and Andria stretched her head up a bit to hear Natasha's answer better.

"She left for her aunt in Seattle."
"Clint?" He asked again.
"Says he's already retired."
"TBD....I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords. There's plenty of room on the jet," Natasha tried to convince Steve to sign the Accords one last time.

All he did was sigh and look down.

"Just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path. Staying together is more important than how we stay together," she said again.

"What are we giving up to do it? I'm sorry, Nat. I can't sign it," Steve almost whispered.

"I know."

"Then what are you still doing here?"
"I didn't want you to be alone. Come here," Natasha said, hugging Steve who truly seemed devastated by Peggy's death.

After a minute, she got out of the church, leaving Steve alone, as he'd said he wanted to stay in the church a bit longer.

Andria cleared her throat, making him turn to her direction. He seemed surprised, since he thought she was in Seattle just like everyone else did.

"Hey..." She said quietly, getting closer.

"What are you doing here, Andria? I thought you went to Maria."

"Yeah, that was a lie. Look, there's no chance I'm signing the Accords...But, I don't want to retire. Something tells me you don't want to stop, either. So, if you still want me in the team, Cap, I'm here."

"You know...If Tony hadn't put you in the team, I would have," he said with a small smile in his face.

"Thanks!" Andria smiled back and the two hugged for a bit.

In the months that had passed since Sokovia, Andria and Steve had become really good friends.

They trusted each other greatly and they always were on the same page. They shared the same beliefs and that made them a great duo.

When Steve made sure everyone had left except for Sam, he motioned for Andria to finally get out of the church.

"Wait a minute...I thought you were off to Seattle," Sam said, confused.

"Well, there's no way I'll back down that easily," Andria smirked at him, earning a smirk from him back.

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