Chapter 31 - Revelation

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I kept track of the time through Holden's eyes, dinner was brought to him by his mother, she sat with him but he refused to talk, the sun slowly set and light slipped from his room. He felt my presence, but didn't speak to me and I didn't try to speak to him , we were in limbo, open air surrounding our minds, silence through the bond. His refusal to believe what I showed him had left a crack in our foundation, what worried me the most was I was unsure if our bond was strong enough to survive what I had to do, we didn't re-bond when he wanted too so all we had was the light fragments that found their way back together after he accepted my rejection.

I sat in my cot listening to his heavy breaths, closing my eyes against the bright lights I let the sound take me away from the echo-filled silence of the bunker. Matching my breathing with his, I let my head rest against the cold cement wall, tucking my knees up under my chin and the silence continued on.

I must have dozed off because a knock jolted me awake but it wasn't on my door, it was on Holden's, we were still connected and the only way that would be is if Holden had kept the connection going after I had fallen asleep. It was still dark, I couldn't tell if an hour had passed or if it was near morning; I noticed Holden was still in the same position and without answering, his bedroom door opened and of all the people to walk through it, it was Kyle.

"What do you want?" Holden let out a snarl that Kyle ignored, closing the door behind him, Cooper and Roland were still in the room, still as statues.

"Wanted to talk to you, without your bodyguards" he looked over to Cooper and Roland,

"Try asking them nicely" he joked, looking over his shoulder to the two wolves who now stared Kyle down.

"I was there when Lily broke the hunter out" he admitted, it got their attention the statues moved and Holden stood,

"You need to keep your mouth shut" Holden warned. I started to panic, if Kyle admitted that, he knew he could very well end up being executed right beside me.

"No" Kyle told him, "you need to listen to me, I saw her and she told me that the pack wouldn't understand what she's doing and I trusted her, I trust that Lily had a reason for why she did it and I bet if she told anyone that reason, it would be you" he accused, Holden rubbed his face in thought, he looked over at Cooper and Roland,

"Yes she gave me a reason" I waited, waited to see if he would speak the words, speak the truth, but the feeling I felt from him was that he wasn't.

"Well whatever that reason was, Lily wouldn't give up everything, wouldn't give up her life if it wasn't important, if it wasn't the truth and deep down you know that. You know Lily, you love Lily and she loves you so what you need to do is trust her, and fight for her, fight for her like she would fight for you because that is the least she deserves after everything she has been through" Kyle was so wound up it looked like he was going to cry and it made my heart ache, "We already know that Alpha Viceras will not let your father execute Lily, it will be all out war between the two packs, there are already those within this pack that are choosing Lily over the Alpha. This pack will crumble and the only person that can stop that from happening is Lily, so you need to do something, as her mate and future Alpha of this pack you need stand up to your father once and for all otherwise we lose Lily, and we will all die" Kyle looked up at Cooper and Roland,

"You know I am right, you have already felt it, sensed the chaos within the pack, you both know Lily do you really believe that she would side with the Hunters? that she would betray her family, everyone she loves for the sake of one man if she didn't believe it was the right thing to do?" and with those words he left, the lingering questions hung thick in the air,

"He's right, Holden" Cooper was the first to speak, Holden turned to face his best friend and future Beta.

"Alpha Viceras has already made his stance known, if your father attempts to execute Lily tomorrow then he will do everything in his power to save her, creating all out war" he paused and waited for Holden to say something,

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