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Tuesday and Wednesday go by in a somewhat similar way as Monday had. I woke up early to make Taehyung a smoothie and was then stuck doing nothing for hours until he came home. The good thing about those two days was Taehyung didn't come home from work as upset--no one yelled at him or annoyed him to the point where he needed to have an alcoholic beverage with dinner. He also wasn't acting strangely during dinner like he was Monday; his responses to my questions were limited and he barely made eye contact with me. Once he was finished, he silently disappeared into his office for the majority of the night before going to bed.

This is the Taehyung I'm used to so I was glad to see him back to normal but I also couldn't help but miss the Taehyung from Monday--the one that shows his true personality. Now that I think about it, he behaved similarly Saturday night too. Why is it that he opened up more those two nights but remained cold and distant other times?

Today Taehyung had taken the day off but, unfortunately for me, I'm unable to spend more time with him. He had a doctor's appointment scheduled in the morning and, since he had known weeks prior that he wouldn't be working, also arranged for a meeting with his psychologist in the afternoon. I had wanted to ask if I could accompany him but decided against it. A doctor's appointment isn't too big of a deal but I'm certain he wouldn't have wanted me to go with him to therapy. Taehyung is a private person and we don't really know each other so I can't blame him. And it's not like he particularly likes me so he probably doesn't want to show me his vulnerable side.

I had been in the middle of rewatching the movie from Monday when I heard the sound of someone entering the password to the door. Pausing the movie, I stand up and walk around the couch so I can greet Taehyung. The brunette didn't so much as spare me a glance when he rounds the corner and walks over into the kitchen, making himself a glass of water.

"How were the appointments?" I ask.

"Healthy and not healthy. You can probably guess which doctor told me what." He glances up and must see a confused expression on my face because he sighs irritably and gulps down some water. "Physically, I'm fine. But my psychologist thinks I'm fucked up in the head."

"She probably doesn't. I know for a fact she certainly wouldn't use those exact words, at least," I mumble.

"It's fine, I know I am. I just don't see how going to someone who's gonna tell me what I already know is supposed to help me. I'm not paying her to tell me what's on my mind, I'm paying her so she can fix me."

"I'm sure she's doing something to help," I say gently.

Taehyung runs a hand over his face. "Yeah, I know that. I'm just...tired of constantly being told the same thing. 'You're dwelling on the past', 'you need to move on', 'live in the present and make plans for the future'. Easier said than done." He puts his empty glass in the sink and walks over to the living room, expression softening when he notices the movie on the screen. "You're watching this?"

"I actually saw it for the first time Monday. I was kinda bored waiting for you to come home, though, so I put it on again. You want to watch?" I reply.

"I've already seen it twenty times," Taehyung says, waving his hand dismissively.

I can tell he had meant for it to be an exaggeration, but the way he said it almost makes me think he's being serious. Besides, you know what they say: there's a grain of truth in every joke.

"If you've watched it repeatedly doesn't it mean you like the film? Seeing it another time wouldn't hurt," I point out.

"I've watched it a bunch of times, yeah, but I wouldn't necessarily say I like it," the brunette replies, expression growing grim. He flops down on the couch, throwing an arm over the back of it and crossing one of his legs over the other. "I told my psychologist about you."

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