Thank You for Reading+Next Book

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Thank you all so, so much for reading this story. It was a pleasure to write and contained a whole rollercoaster ride of emotions but we've finally reached the end. I know the ending was particularly harsh and I apologize if I've made any of you feel like shit now 😔

Just to confirm, this book is an unofficial (?) sequel to A Love That Will Last Forever. The only reason I call it unofficial is because both books can be read as stand-alones; you don't need to read this book after ALTWLF the same way you don't need to read ALTWLF to understand this one. The Unexpectedness of Life is sorta just there if people want to know what happened to Tae after ALTWLF and ALTFLW is there if people want a more in-depth background to TUoL Tae. But as I said, you can also just read one book and not the other; it doesn't really matter.

Now onto my next work:

Now onto my next work:

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'Are you decent?'

'Not morally. But I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking'


'We ride motorcycles for a living, sell guns, have been caught up in drug deals, kill people, support the pornography business and constantly have the cops breathing down our necks, prepared to haul our asses to prison where we'll most likely be repeatedly fucked against our will. Pretty sure lung cancer should be the least of your worries, bro.'

I have been working on this book for a LONG ass time. Since July 2019, to be exact. I was actually originally gonna post Scarlet Knives before this book but I suddenly had a burst of motivation for The Unexpectedness of Life and went for it. And thank God I did because Scarlet Knives went through MAJOR changes that were for its own good. If I had published it earlier, I don't think I would have been as proud with how it would've turned out.

If you're interested, I would love to see you over there reading my next work. However, I urge you to read the warnings before continuing. This is definitely the most mature story I will have ever written so far. It's also not recommended for those who get offended easily because OH BOY, there's bad stuff in it. But if the book still sounds appealing then I thank you in advance for checking it out 🥰

Once again, thank you so much for reading TUoL. I really enjoyed writing it and, despite the ending, I hope it was an enjoyable read. I love you all and have a lovely day~


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