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Warning: there are some touchy subjects mentioned later on during the dinner.

Given the fact Taehyung's father was able to pull some strings to get his son a job, it's clear that the man is someone of significant status with power. Being a CFO would, of course, fit this description. And, given his position, it seemed clear to me that he would receive a larger paycheck than his son. I guess I hadn't realized how large it really was, not until Taehyung and I pulled into a twenty-foot long driveway which belonged to a house covering at least ten-thousand square feet.

I can't even begin to imagine the size of the actual property. It is a Tudor style home and, based on my current perspective, it has two floors. It's beige and surrounded by a few trees and some perfectly sculptured shrubs. Lights shine through the numerous windows, letting passersby know the estate is occupied by inhabitants. The way the slowly darkening sky looks above the large house creates a sort of dreamy atmosphere and, for a moment, I can't help but envy Taehyung's parents.

"This home is incredible," I utter.

"Mm. Five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, dining area, entertainment room, three sitting rooms, two studies, a sunroom, an indoor fireplace, an outdoor fireplace and don't forget the three-thousand square foot pool in the backyard with the jacuzzi. All owned by my loving parents and only for their use," Taehyung grumbles.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask as our car comes to a stop in front of the home.

"I mean that they're the only ones who live here. They're very picky when it comes to the people they let into their home. Those who are lucky enough to be invited inside don't even see half of the house. It's like only one room exists and that would be the dining room--maybe one of the sitting rooms if they're lucky," the brunette elaborates.

"You expect them to have hired help or something? Maybe they're just being humble."

"I expect them to show some hospitality to their guests. Maybe show them some scenery instead of confining them to one room."

"They're not like that to you though, right? Why does it bother you so much?"

The car door closest to Taehyung is opened by our driver and we both climb out of the vehicle. "When I hear people say that they felt like they were being put under a lockdown or that their every move was being judged and watched carefully, it...it makes me uncomfortable. It certainly doesn't give me a very flattering image either; people will assume I'm just like my parents."

The man makes it clear that he doesn't wish to continue the conversation when he strides ahead towards the front door, insouciant of whether I was following him or not. I manage to catch up to him just after he's knocked, making his arrival apparent to those inside the mansion. Eleven seconds pass before the door is opened, an older woman standing in the doorframe with a welcoming smile.

"Taehyung, my dear, come inside. Your father and I are so glad you could make it," she greets, stepping aside so that we may enter. She gives me a second glance before redirecting her attention to her son. "Who is this, may I ask?"

"Mom, this is Phoenix. Phoenix, this is my mother," Taehyung quickly introduces us in one breath.

The woman is about my height and shares the same honey-coloured complexion as her son. Short, dark hair frames her face. Her eyes are soft, as opposed to Taehyung's, and she's got round cheeks that pop out when she smiles.

"When were you going to tell me you've found yourself a girl?" she chides, albeit lightheartedly.

"I haven't. She's the SU that Jimin bought for me," the brunette replies curtly.

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