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"Hey, yo!" I glance over at the brunette standing in the doorway. "Come. Follow me."

I push myself up onto my feet and follow him out of the bedroom, down the hall, and into the living room. The man is looking around the room before he crouches down in front of the wall close to the piano. He beckons me closer and, seeing no point in resisting, I obey the silent order.

"What's go-going on?" I ask.

"I found something."

The moment we had gotten inside the house, Taehyung had practically shoved me into my bedroom and chained me to the bed. He had told me to just lie down for a bit while he tried to do a bit of research on the internet, looking for anything that would explain my peculiar behaviour. Knowing that he's been successful is extremely reassuring.

"That's per-perfect," I smile.

"Yeah, so it sounds like you've got a low battery," Taehyung reveals.

I'm a bit taken aback by this news and can't help but cock my head to the side. "Are you sure? To my kno-knowledge, units are programmed to recei-receive a notification when we're close to shutting down."

"Yup. You're supposed to. Apparently some units are being affected by a bug that messes up the notification system so you don't even realize you're running low on power. The only way you could possibly know is if you're constantly checking your battery and I have a feeling you haven't been doing that," Taehyung explains.

When I go to look at my battery health, sure enough, it says I'm at six percent. Something cold settles within me and I can't help the way my shoulders begin to droop, head hanging low.

"So I'm...one of the ones affected by the bug? I'm suffering from an error? I'm malfunctioning?"

"Alright, don't get all self-deprecating on me. What we need to focus on at the moment is getting you plugged into the outlet here so you can charge," the brunette says gruffly. "Where is that stupid cable you've got again?"

"The nape of my neck," I answer, moving my hair out of the way and outlining the flap with the tip of my finger.

I feel him carefully lifting the flap up and taking out the cable, moving slowly so that he doesn't get it tangled or worse. Eventually the cord is fully unravelled, most of it pooling on the floor while the end is held in Taehyung's hand.

"It's just a DisplayPort cable," he notes, a pleased smile on his face.

He inserts it into the proper hole in the outlet and I feel a sharp zap of electricity shoot through me. The pain is quickly replaced by this energizing warmth. It almost feels like my entire body is wrapped up in a soft, fleece blanket that's able to mold around my every curve, leaving nothing untouched. There's a very faint tingling feeling, more noticeable at my toes and fingers, but I have to really focus to be aware of it. I turn to look at Taehyung and--I can't.

I try to move my body but it won't comply with my wishes. All I can do is look around with my eyes; I can't even make a sound to try and get my master to move me so that I'm not stuck staring at this boring wall.

"I did a bit of research on the whole charging process just so I could be prepared for what would happen. Apparently you units become completely immobile in this state but you're still aware of everything around you. So for the next hour or so, you're gonna need to stay seated over here, okay?" I feel gentle hands on my waist, turning me so that my back is to the wall. "There, that should be--whoa!" Taehyung's face comes into my view and he's inspecting my face. "Your eyes are...glowing purple. It's not like super vibrant but...wow. That's kinda cool."

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now