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"Geez, it's getting pretty late now," Jimin notes, checking the digital clock displayed on the stove.

"Since when did you go back to being a ten-year-old?" Taehyung snickers.

"Hey! Need I remind you that it takes me about half an hour to get from here to my house? I don't wanna be driving back home when it's midnight," the gray-haired man says defensively.

"So instead you'll go at nine so you can be in bed by ten? That isn't helping your case," Taehyung smirks.

"Leave me alone!" Jimin whines. "Besides, if I stay any longer I'll be tempted to have a couple more glasses of that wine and then I'll really be screwed."

The brunette shrugs. "I could drive you back home."

"There are so many things wrong with that. First of all, you've had more to drink than me so that's already a definite no to your suggestion. Second, if you take my car, then you have no way of getting home except by public transit. And if we use your car, mine will be stuck here which means I'll have to come back and get it tomorrow. Basically, it's a terrible plan."

"Phoenix could drive you home." Taehyung looks at me. "You can drive, right?"

"Yes," I affirm.

"How the hell is she gonna get back here?" Jimin questions.

"She can stay with you. Forever."

"Taehyung! I thought we were past this!"

"Jesus, Park, no need to get your panties twisted. I wasn't being serious," Taehyung snorts. "She can drive you and I'll follow you guys in my car. Then I'll drive both her and I back here."

"You. Are. Drunk. Or at least tipsy which means no driving for you."

"Am not. I'm completely sober," Taehyung defends.

"The fact that you're spewing total nonsense is proof that the wine is getting to you. Did you even hear what you just suggested? It's so unnecessarily complicated," Jimin sighs, shaking his head.

"I don't see you coming up with any ideas," the brunette says, pursing his lips and looking at Jimin pointedly.

"I literally did! Remember!? Me leaving at nine so I can be in bed at ten!? Yeah, that shit! For the love of God, I can feel the brain cells leaking out of my ears."

"You're such a party pooper, Jimin. Don't you think so, Phoenix?" I decide not to answer that question, but the brunette doesn't even bat an eyelash. "You could always just spend the night here. The robot can sleep on the couch and you can sleep in the guest bedroom. Then you can have those extra glasses of wine you're craving and you don't need to worry about driving under the influence."

"I'll admit, it's a smart idea--better than your other ones, for sure. But I just think it's best if I go home. Sleeping at your place makes me feel weird, anyway. I feel like I don't belong."

"You need to let yourself live luxuriously once in a while. You've convinced yourself you don't deserve to be pampered and now you're missing out on great opportunities. Let loose and forget about the price of this stupid home."

"Uh, since when did you become my shrink?" Jimin chuckles.

"It shouldn't matter that you live in a shack and I live in this million-dollar penthouse," Taehyung continues.

"Okay, the moment has officially been ruined. I'm leaving."

Taehyung turns away while trying to hide his laughter as Jimin walks out of the kitchen, going over to the living room to grab his empty container. When he notices the gray-haired man walking over to the front door, the brunette calms down and rushes after his friend, straining to keep a straight face.

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat