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It has been forty-six minutes since Taehyung locked himself up in his office. I've been pacing in the living room the entire time, worried about what he's going to do to me once he's out and, more importantly, what he's doing in there. When he first told me to get out, I just took the camera and slipped past him as quick as a mouse. I knew there was no use talking to him because it would only make the situation worse. If I'm being honest, I was surprised he let me leave so easily.

Immediately after kicking me out, he slammed the door shut and all I could hear were crashes resulting from several unidentifiable items hitting the floor. Most of it sounded like paper so I could only assume he cleared his desk off, but I also heard glass breaking. That went on for two minutes and ten seconds before it went completely silent in there and has been ever since.

Part of me wonders if I should just show myself to the door and never come back to Taehyung again. At this point, I'm expecting the worst to befall me. If I left now, I'd probably be doing the brunette a favour. But who knows what Taehyung will do to himself. He might suddenly decide to try and inflict harm on himself and if I leave there won't be anyone to save him.

A door is opened and I instinctively suck in a breath, holding it as I hear heavy footsteps travel down the hardwood of the hall. I've stopped pacing, instead standing in front of the couch, patiently waiting for Taehyung to appear. When he does, he just looks so drained. He's noticeably paler and almost appears to have dark rings around his eyes, making them seem sunken in, even though I'm probably just imagining it--it might just be shadows. He stares at me through weary, half-lidded eyes.

"I started thinking about what you said, about talking to you instead of shutting you out. Even though I really don't want to...I think it would be best if we discuss some things," the brunette says quietly and weakly.

"I...okay, sure. Why don't we sit down and talk?" I suggest, gesturing to the couch.

He silently comes closer and sits on the edge of the piece of furniture. I sit down, leaving a meter of space between us, aware that he might need some distance for the time being.

"First, we need to talk about you being in there," Taehyung begins. "Don't go in there again, understand? I don't want you rummaging around in my stuff."

"Understood. I'm sorry about invading your privacy," I reply.

"Now I suppose we should talk about the more...glaring matter. How much of that letter did you read?"

"Not much at all. Only a few sentences."

He gnaws on his bottom lip and I only just notice how chapped they are. "Okay. If I'm being honest, this stuff isn't easy for me to talk about. So just...ask me questions--they'll work as a sort of guide for me since I have no idea where to start. Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you."

To be given this much control over the situation...it's a bit burdening. It's as if Taehyung has suddenly commanded me to take the helm just as we're sailing into a hurricane. It's not like I've been preparing for this; I didn't make a list of questions I wanted answers to. Honestly, by now I had expected to be on the streets, looking for a new home. But the way he's looking at me, like he's one blink away from walking out on me, clearly regretting his decision, has me quickly coming up with something, anything, I can ask.

"Who's Hyerin?"

I don't fail to miss the way the brunette's breath hitches. "She's--she was my sister. Unfortunately she passed away several years ago."

"What happened? Was it an accident?"

"She had a severe case of coronary artery disease. She ended up dying of a heart attack. She was only seventeen," he answers, voice void of emotion.

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora