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It isn't until we've been in the car for twelve minutes and sixteen seconds that I figure I can say something. I wanted to give Taehyung some time to cool down before I tried initiating contact. His shoulders are no longer tensed and squared and although his eyes are narrowed, a scowl sitting on his face, I no longer get the feeling he'll immediately snap at me if I try to talk.

"So," I begin in a tentative voice. "You wanna talk about what happened back there?"

"What's there to talk about?" Taehyung asks, staring out the window in disinterest.

"I know you probably don't wanna hear this from me but it honestly seemed like you were being a bit...bratty towards your parents." When the brunette swings his head around to look at me, I raise my hands up in front of my face in defensive. "Yes! I know how you feel about them and how you don't forgive them. Your relationship is strained and I understand why. But you have to admit that the fights all started because you ignited the fire."

"Did you not hear what my mother was saying?"

"I know that some of it came out wrong, yes. But you were also assuming a lot of stuff. How are you ever supposed to rekindle your relationship if you're gonna be so difficult with them?"

"Who said I wanted to?" Taehyung fires back, raising an eyebrow.

I sigh and turn my body so I'm facing forward, staring down at my hands now clasped together in my lap. "Alright, fine. I can't stop you from fighting with them. I guess I just don't understand why you couldn't've at least tried to get along."

"Clearly you've never hated anyone before. Most people can think of at least one person that just makes their blood boil, whether it's because they have a bad past or the person just rubs them the wrong way. When they're with that person, they normally allow some of their annoyance to bleed through. They can either be very open about it or more subtly, like rolling their eyes at things they say or maintaining a body language that suggests they aren't enjoying that person's presence. While with such a person you dislike, you might find yourself giving more attitude or purposely saying things that will get that person worked up. That's the kind of relationship I have with my parents; I don't like them and I allow my feelings to be evident in my behaviour around them. Being in the same room as them instantly soils my mood and has me itching to start an argument. So no, getting along with them is not an option, neither is pretending to."

"I presume this is also supposed to explain why you didn't feel the need to...censor some of the things you said?" I question.

Taehyung shrugs in a jaded manner. "By now, I know talking about that kind of stuff gets them all high-strung quickly. Helps move the dinner along faster, y'know?"

He shows such little remorse about the whole situation that it's honestly a bit startling. I'm not a mother myself so I can't say I know for certain, but I'm not sure Euna--or any mother for that matter--wants to hear her child making nonchalant comments about suicide. Taehyung must understand to some level how hurtful it is and yet here he is, feeling no guilt whatsoever about his words.

Nothing I say will do any good, though. In fact, I could sense the gradual increase of his vexation as our conversation progressed. After everything that happened, Taehyung is probably feeling like he's had enough of his parents to last him a lifetime. Being driven home by a guy they hired probably isn't helping his situation either.

"By the time we get home, it'll probably be just before nine. Are you gonna stay up longer or will you be calling it quits early?" Changing the subject is probably the safest option for my sake.

"A very good question," Taehyung hums, tapping a finger on his chin in thought. "Maybe I'll just go to bed. This day has been way longer than it needed to be. All I can think about is passing out and letting unconsciousness take the reigns."

The Unexpectedness of Life || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now