Chapter 4: Looking for a resolution

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(We begin the story after the explosion)

Grant: Do you guys know what might've happened because I was not in there watching.

Guard #1: Unsure Granty. All I know is that I saw Lucinia go inside and she might not ever come back out at all.

Thomas: I don't think she might, none of the other guards went in except a Bot Boy and ran to call 911.

Guard #2: Forget the bot boys they never tell what they see to us except the investigators. Like fuckin' hell at least just tell what you saw to us or Lucks and you'll be fine okay?

Thomas: Yeah I agree with you there Harold, these bot boys aren't that good at all with talking to other TAScorp workers about shit they saw before.

Guard #2: Exactly like the shit were fucking dealing with right now!! Like fuck, quit being a private moron and share it instead of movin' the fuck on!

Grant: Yeah, we won't budge or dismantle you there's nothing wrong alright? TAScorp's bois are very friendly towards the people who support them, you are not a rival so you are fine.

(A bot boy just so happens to hear over their rant)

Bot boy:.....Cool (walks away humming happily)

Thomas: (annoyed) Why?

Guard #2: Stupid pieces of shit A.I.

(Sofia comes over)

Sofia: Is Lucini' okay?

Grant: Uhh, I'm sure she is Sofi' I can assure you she's fine. There's nothing to worry about whatsoever. Even if she isn't-

Guard #1: You just gotta learn to move on from it since it'll all be in the past.

Sofia: Eh, you're right on that part. I don't move on alot actually..

Guard #2: Lemme guess, you're mom?

Sofia: (sad) Exactly.

Thomas: She died when you were 3 years old.

Guard #2: Why you repeating shit we already know man? We know, no need to-

Sofia: I know...I just wanna have a break for a bit.

Guard #1: Okay then.

Grant: Alright.

(We transition to Lucinia and Sheridan getting away from TAScorp. Lucinia is still mad over what Sheridan did.)

Dr. Sheridan: . . . . (sigh) Lucinia I-

Lucinia: (No response)

Dr. Sheridan: Lucini' I know what I did was wrong and I didn't know that..was..Lucks'

Lucinia: (still no response)

Dr. Sheridan: Just accept my apology? Please? Uhhhh- Would you kindly?

Lucinia: (s i l e n c e)

Dr. Sheridan: You're-... not even gonna talk to me?

Lucinia: (furious) No I am not doctor. Because 1. You took the cartridge that has █████' ███ without his permission. 2. It blew up and burned my ██████ ██████. 3. And you involved me into it and 4. Everyone's gonna think we're missing. So to put it bluntly, you only did this because you were transferred here from █████ ██████████ to work on the Video game reality headset and moved here just so to get better payments because you're wife had polio.

Dr. Sheridan: I know i know, she didn't make it through her battle. I lost her in June and the bad luck from there grew worse, I finished Project Blue with you. And after we did the testing I got the payments I wanted....But what was the point now? Getting it just makes me empty now that it's too late... I don't know what I'm gonna do now...

Meta Runner Purity EditionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora