Chapter 20: In A Realm Unknown Part 3

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Lucks/Henry: It's devastating to know that some man killed my 3 children and not just Kristen, Alexis, David and Caleb all in 1 week. I'm not letting go of them. Theodore is gone but Amelia and Deena aren't. They're still here, they're hiding in soul captivating canisters. They're smart and clever for that decision. But not only that but this is a good opportunity to rebuild them now...however I've heard rumors of supernatural bad luck that follows even if I accept this...I don't have a choice anymore as much as this killer didn't. If you're hearing this audio log then..don't share this with anyone. I want this to be kept in secret...I'm gonna put Sofia, Lucinia and 3 more staff members to help me out. I worked alone to invent the meta runner arm. Now I will now work with a team to invent a project like this. I changed gaming forever now I'm curious to see if I I do it again. Whatever the opportunity I take offers.

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(We now return to Sammy and the twins having a talk with Amelia.)

Alexis: Are you gonna reward us yet or-

Tari/Amelia: Now hold on, let's just get a break for a second.

Sammy: Alright then?

David: You'll understand everything from here. Trust me.

Tari/Amelia: Besides. All 3 of you think this is a video game. TAScorp, Tempest, Battle Blaze. Then this place.

Kristen: I don't think this is a video game at all. Or even is one.

David: Is this really a video game? Or was it a trap in retribution purposes?

Alexis: Mom wouldn't do something like this!..Wait, can she?

Kristen: Of course she wouldn't she's our mom!

Sammy: She's family.

Tari/Amelia: (pointing to the twins) And your deaths our to blame for this.

Kristen: What? Us?

Alexis: But what about dad? What does he have to be blamed for?

David: Mislead thoughts.

(scene switch)

Sammy: She's alive! She's back from the dead! Grant, we're gonna be famous! Not only that we'll be rich!

(back to the present)

David: Mind corruption.

Tari/Amelia: Then came the day where we helped you destroy Aki and Evelyn...Or was it mind control?

(scene switch)

Sammy: Would you kindly head to my wife's holding cell and beat the son of a bitch to death?

(scene switch)

Sammy: Would you kindly find Aki and kill her?

(back to the present)

Alexis: Mind control? Dad, did you-

David: He so desperately wanted the secret to last longer so instead of letting them go, you took both your wife and friends' lives.

Sammy: (scared) How do you know about what I did?

Tari/Amelia: We also know that the twins were too scared to leave TAScorp so YOU took them home where they were led to their deaths. You made them Jack's victims leading them to a rapid aging to adulthood-

Sammy: You 2 know alot of stuff about us when we got here.

David: That's we are all here with you-

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