Chapter 11: Amici

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Kid Belle: Amelia! Are you gonna catch fireflies with us?

Kid Tari: No thank you

Kid Belle: Aww c'mon!! It's fun! Try it!

Kid Tari: Nah, I prefer to watch the ducks. They're cute.

Sofia: Whaaaat? Isn't that a bit boring? We know you like duckies but you're missing out on the fun! C'moooon!!

Kid Tari: Hmm..I don't know.

Lucinia: Daw, c'mon it's easy (Takes Amelia) Take a net, and wave it around and before you know you got fireflies!

Kid Tari: Ooo.

Lucinia: Once you got one, take a jar and store it. Simple!

Kid Tari: (Waves her net) (Catches a firefly in 13 seconds) I CAUGHT ONE!!

Kid Belle: Here's a jar.

Kid Tari: (Puts the firefly in the jar) I got it.

Sofia: Yay!! Now you know how to catch fireflies Amelia.

Kid Belle: You guys sure are fun loving, y'know that?

Lucinia: Pfft, course we are Deena! No way at all we're gonna leave you, EVER!! Not even my favorite cousin Deena!

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(January 22nd, 2020, 11:16 PM)

(We now cut to Sofia and Lucinia in their old bedroom watching Gravity Falls on Disney+)

Lucinia: Hey sis, whatcha thinking about?

Sofia: Oh! Nothing at all Lucinia.

Lucinia: Hmm. Really? I saw you having "that face" again. I know something's going on in your head right now. (Approaching Sofia) So do me a favor and tell me what's bothering yous.

Sofia:...Alright. I'm just thinking about what we all went through these past 2 years. That's it.

Lucinia: I feel the same. Y'know, thinking about it right now, we should've ran towards Lucks and announced that me and Sheridan were okay and repaired ██████ right away and give her memories back along with Belle's. If he never locked the damned door.

Sofia:.. Weeell we never made a real time machine and never will soooo This is gonna be the timeline were sticking with.

Lucinia: Yeh. Well, it's best to not think about it. I mean Masa IS right, We are those types of heroes who done bad deeds. But we'll be better for sure. I know it's hard to think we done all that....(sigh) Aunt Audrey would be happy with us right now.

Sofia: (sad) Yeah, If only our parents were still with us. Except for dad.

Lucinia: Hmm.. I agree. Probably should've let COPPA do their thing instead of letting our father go mad and kill a bunch of disobedient kids that go on the internet. They also should've let dad get sentenced to psychiatry or custody.

Sofia: Guess so, I understand what you're trying to say.

Lucinia: So you're all better now?

Sofia: Ye.

Lucinia: Yeah, I knew you would. I know when you're having a bad day and when you're happy. Just showing you that the people older than has your back

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