Chapter 21-A (Sofia)

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(Sofia wakes up unharmed. She looks around and sees that the Vigenere69 era is over)

Sofia: Guys? Anyone here?

Tari/Amelia: (cough) Sofia? We won!

Belle/Deena: We did it?

Theo: Oh yeah! We made it! Yeah!

Sofia: Yes! We did it! (Picking up Theo) We done it Theo!

Tari/Amelia: You did it too Sofia! You conquered your past!

Sofia: Huh, I guess having my jacket wrapped around my waist did help.

Tari/Amelia: Yeah, we all wore the same thing we wore in the beginning including you but made one slight difference.

Belle/Deena: Yeah, you really do look good with the tanktop showing.

Theo: Forget about how good Sofia looks! We did it! We got through the last rival group of the-

(Then all of a sudden, the pupils from everyone's eyes disappear. They smile as their heads turn to the side.)

Sofia: Wuh?!... Girls? Theo? What's going on?

(Then they float to the ceiling)

Tenebris Lucinia: (laughing in the background)

Sofia: I'm through this am I?

(Then everyone POPS! And blood falls from them and dumps on Sofia.)

Sofia: AAAAAAAHH!!... Gross!

Tenebris Lucinia: (Sitting and looming behind her) Do you want a balloon?.. It'll help you. It did when you were 3.

Sofia: (in her head) Don't look behind you. Just get out as soon as you can and ignore her. (She does and gets to the exit. But the exit warps her to a door facing Tenebris Lucinia.) AAAHHH!!!

Tenebris Lucinia: (grabs her and holds her tight) Hello again Sofia.

Sofia: (slight gasp) (serious) You again.

Tenebris Lucinia: Never thought we'd see each other again so early hmm?

Sofia: I don't want to see you again at all! How about that?! You lied to me about helping me cope with my past, you relentlessly bothered me with such giant heights from you, hell! You're a giant just holding me right now! You did nothing but torture me and forcing me to rot and suffer, I would assume right now that you have no remorse over doing all that!

Tenebris Lucinia: hmph... I guess I done my job correctly. (Drops her)

Sofia: AAAAAAAAAHHHH!! (Lands) OOF! (Regains senses) Job? JOB?! You wanted to do all that to me as your job?!

Tenebris Lucinia: It's how my existence works. You deserve this for what you did a whole year ago.

Sofia: (walks backwards toward the exit angrily)Leave me alone jackass! Fuck you, fuck everything you stand for, fuck all the things you did to me. I hate you and want you out, NOW! Set me free! I'm done. Screw all your shit! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tenebris Lucinia: (getting furious). . .You really want freedom don't you?. . . .Well guess what you'll never get it ever. (Her voice deepens and turns monstrous) Because this is the last living moment. FoR yOu (She lets out a demonic screech and quickly crawls after her)

(So Sofia ran)

Sofia: (panting) I gotta get out of here! (Looks behind and sees Tenebris Lucinia gaining up on her) AAAAAAAAHHHH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! GET AWAY!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

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