Chapter 16: In A Realm Unknown Part 1

16 1 0

r gSrmp sV uvvOh gsv elrw'h kivhvmxv. hllm sv'Oo yv Rm gsv klHrgrlm ofxrmrz dzh lmxv gslftsg gl yv rm.

David: You know what'll be really scary Amelia?

Kid Tari: What?

David: If the video game reality headset breaks while you're wearing it, and you're buried alive in a video game.

Kid Tari: Nah, that's dumb. There's no way that'll happen. It'll only die when it runs out of battery.

David: No no. I heard stories online that people were killed when their vgr headset broke and they were stuck in the game to die.

Jack: Awww David. You know you shouldn't be on any form of the internet right?

David: (frightened by Jack talking) AAH! (Worried he may be caught) Uhh uuuhh.. Yes. I-I-I-I d-d-do.

Jack: No whining young man. You know your dad would be mad if he found out you were surfing online again.

David: I know Mr. Porter. I know. I try not to do it again. But..

Jack: Y'know what. Yeah, you're the only kid I know that's trying not to surf online and be a nuisance to older people.

Kid Tari: Trust us, I saw millions of children that are like that!

David: Really?

Kid Tari: Yeah, I think we're the only ones who aren't like that.

David: You're right. Weird.

lfi svil Droo yv Zoo zolmv uli dsviv sv'h gizkkvw Rm. wvzGs rh xzgxsRMT srn.

(we start our story with a certain someone...guess....guess who the hero is. Tell me who the fucking hero is boi!.......Yeah! You know who!!)

Sammy: (unconscious) Oww, my head. What...happened?

Kristen: Dad? Dad is that you?

Sammy: Kri-Kristen where are you?

Kristen: Hey pops, look up.

Sammy: (Looking at her "now" older daughter)'re my daughter?

Alexis: I am too. (giving him her hand) get up now.

Sammy: Oh my god, thanks. (Hugging kristen) Oh I missed you and.. (Notices he has a meta runner arm) why do I have this shit on my arm now?

Alexis: Eh. Dunno. But we don't know how you survived that day but we are sure as all heck glad you're back and living well.

Kristen: I know this is weird and all but, I think we gotta find mom if we have to be complete. And I got a feeling it won't be easy.

Sammy: What? Mommy's trapped somewhere?

Kristen: Yeah, she's gotta be somewhere.

Sammy: Oh no. We gotta help her!

Kristen: Well we gotta!

Alexis: The PC containing her soul is right there (pointing to the PC Evelyn is being held captive)

Sammy: Just right over there with the light theme screen?

Kristen: Duh..

(The twins run over to the PC)

Alexis: Dad, c'mon! We gotta hurry!

(And the twins glitch inside the PC despite the Tempest cartridge's cover being blank.)

Sammy: What the? Kids? Where did you..Hmm....I guess it's my turn (Opens the desktop in his m.r. Arm and notices the blue jay symbol) oh no (it automatically activates and Sammy screams loudly) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!AA!!1AAA!!3131010000013131!31!!!3131!!AA01000001AA!01000001!010001010101001001010010010011110101001000100000010000110100111101000100010001010011101000100000001101000011001000110100011001100011010000111001

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